What does अर्थ प्रकाशक in Hindi mean?
What is the meaning of the word अर्थ प्रकाशक in Hindi? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use अर्थ प्रकाशक in Hindi.
The word अर्थ प्रकाशक in Hindi means explanatory, interpreter, significant. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word अर्थ प्रकाशक
explanatoryadjective |
interpreternoun |
significantadjective |
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मैंने जल्द ही सीख लिया कि सुसमाचार का एक नियमित प्रकाशक होने का क्या अर्थ था, दूसरों में सच्चाई के संदेश को लगाना और सींचना, और उनके साथ गृह बाइबल अध्ययन संचालित करना। I soon learned what it meant to be a regular publisher of the good news, planting and watering the message of truth in others and conducting home Bible studies with them. |
इसका अर्थ है कि औसतन, १२७ राज्य प्रकाशकों में से हर एक ने ५९ पत्रिकाएँ दी—हर ७ निवासियों के लिए १ पत्रिका। That means that, on an average, each of the 127 Kingdom publishers placed 59 magazines —1 magazine for every 7 inhabitants. |
परन्तु यदि लगभग आधे प्रकाशकों ने इस कार्य में हिस्सा लिया, इसका अर्थ हैं कि अन्य आधे ने इसमें हिस्सा नहीं लिया। Of course, if about half of the publishers shared in this activity, it would mean that the other half did not share in it. |
इसका यह अर्थ निकलता है कि हर तीन दिन लगभग १ प्रकाशक ने अपनी परिस्थितियों की जाँच की और पाया कि वह सेवकाई में और अधिक कर सकता था। This amounts to almost 14 publishers a day who examined their circumstances and discovered they could do more in the ministry. |
हालांकि इस तरह संगीत प्रकाशन उद्यम बहुत कम थे: "उन्नीसवीं सदी में ऑक्सफोर्ड में इस विचार को महत्व नहीं दिया जाता था कि संगीत किसी अर्थ में शैक्षिक हो सकती है" और कुछ प्रतिनिधि या पूर्व प्रकाशक खुद संगीत से संबंधित थे या उनकी पृष्ठभूमि काफी हद तक संगीत से संबंधित थी। Such musical publishing enterprises, however, were rare: "In nineteenth-century Oxford the idea that music might in any sense be educational would not have been entertained", and few of the Delegates or former Publishers were themselves musical or had extensive music backgrounds. |
Let's learn Hindi
So now that you know more about the meaning of अर्थ प्रकाशक in Hindi, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Hindi.
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Do you know about Hindi
Hindi is one of the two official languages of the Government of India, along with English. Hindi, written in the Devanagari script. Hindi is also one of the 22 languages of the Republic of India. As a diverse language, Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world, after Chinese, Spanish and English.