What does călca in Romanian mean?

What is the meaning of the word călca in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use călca in Romanian.

The word călca in Romanian means step, tread, iron,, a călca pe cadavre, a călca pe urmele, a o călca, a păși, a irita, a enerva, a călca pe nervi, a scoate din sărite, a deranja, a irita, a călca pe nervi, a călca (cu fierul), a călca, a călca, a sta departe de, a călca pe nervi, a călca, a accelera, a călca în picioare, a trece peste, a călca, a călca cu mașina, a pune piciorul în, a călca în picioare, a călca peste, a călca, a călca, a călca pe, a călca peste, a călca în picioare, a călca strâmb, a păși (peste), a distruge, a călca în picioare, a călca în picioare, persoană care calcă în picioare, a călca, a călca, a se menține deasupra apei, a călca pe, a călca, a nesocoti, a desconsidera. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word călca

step, tread, iron,

a călca pe cadavre

(figurative (be ruthless, ambitious)

You have to climb over people to get what you want in this business.

a călca pe urmele

(person, performance: equal)

See if you can emulate your brother's performance on the test.

a o călca

(slang (depress the accelerator)

Când s-a făcut verde, a călcat-o și mașina a demarat în trombă.
When the light turned green, he floored it and the car sped away.

a păși

(walk on, tread)

La premieră, câțiva dintre actori vor călca pentru prima oară pe scenă.
On opening night, several actors will foot the stage for the first time.

a irita, a enerva

(informal (irritate)

Her husband's constant grumbling was starting to get on Olga's nerves.

a călca pe nervi, a scoate din sărite

(figurative (annoy sb)

a deranja

(figurative (be annoying)

Profesoara vorbea de o oră, iar vocea ei ascuțită începea să deranjeze.
The teacher had been talking for an hour, and her high-pitched voice was starting to grate.

a irita

(figurative (annoy sb)

După o vreme, vocea plângăcioasă a Laurei a început să o irite pe Hanna. Folosirea incorectă a gramaticii chiar mă irită.
After a while, Laura's whining voice started to grate on Hanna. Incorrect use of grammar really grates with me.

a călca pe nervi

(slang (irritate, anger)

The way he talks down to me really hacks me off!

a călca (cu fierul)

(press clothing) (a netezi rufele)

Am nevoie să îmi calc fusta pentru serviciu.
I need to iron a shirt for work.

a călca

(press clothing)

Do you know how to iron?

a călca

(wrinkles: press out) (rufe)

I should iron out the creases in my suit for my interview tomorrow.

a sta departe de

(do not walk on)

Please keep off the grass.

a călca pe nervi

(slang, vulgar (annoy, anger)

That guy really pisses me off!

a călca


Trebuie să calc pantalonii, sunt foarte șifonați.
I need to press these trousers. They're all rumpled.

a accelera

(informal (accelerate, drive faster)

If you put your foot down, we can get through the lights before they turn red.

a călca în picioare

(trample under hooves) (cal)

a trece peste, a călca

(wheel, etc.: run over)

Ouch! Your bicycle wheel just rolled over my foot!

a călca cu mașina

(hit with a vehicle)

A man was injured when a car thief ran him down and sped off.

a pune piciorul în


Liam has never set foot in England. Peter is so rude. I'll never set foot in his house again!

a călca în picioare

(with foot)

The little boy stamped to show his impatience.

a călca peste

(tread heavily on)

I will stamp on any insects I see.

a călca

(tread, walk)

Am pășit peste noroiul din fața casei.
I stepped in the mud outside the house.

a călca

(tread in, put your foot into)

I stepped in a mud puddle and ruined my new shoes.

a călca pe

(literal (tread on)

Careful, you might step on the dog's tail!

a călca peste

(lift foot to avoid treading on)

I stepped over the rubbish.

a călca în picioare

(trample on)

Some shoppers got stomped on in the rush to get into the store.

a călca strâmb

(have affair)

Rick suspected his wife was straying.

a păși (peste)

(long steps)

Len strode into the office and demanded to see the manager.

a distruge

(figurative (destroy)

His cutting remarks tore down her fragile self-esteem.

a călca în picioare

(treat roughly) (figurat)

a călca în picioare

(crush underfoot)

persoană care calcă în picioare

(person: walks heavily on sth)

a călca

(trample, squash) (pe picior)

The great oaf wasn't looking where he was going and he trod on my foot! Tread softly for you tread upon my dreams. (W.B. Yeats)

a călca

(walk somewhere)

As she walked along the path, Charlotte thought of all the people who must have trodden it before her. That man is the greatest scoundrel who ever trod this earth!

a se menține deasupra apei

(literal (keep head above water by moving limbs)

Beginners' swimming lessons include teaching students how to tread water.

a călca pe

(fall by stepping on)

The child tripped over the toys on the floor and fell down.

a călca

(US (tramp, tread)

a nesocoti, a desconsidera

(sb: treat disrespectfully)

Larry walked over at least three people to serve as chairman of the board.

Let's learn Romanian

So now that you know more about the meaning of călca in Romanian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Romanian.

Do you know about Romanian

Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.