What does εύκολα in Greek mean?

What is the meaning of the word εύκολα in Greek? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use εύκολα in Greek.

The word εύκολα in Greek means easily, εύκολα, άνετα, ξεκούραστα, εύκολα, εύκολα, άνετα, άνετα, χαλαρά, εύκολα, εύκολα, εύκολα, αυθόρμητα, αβίαστα, εύκολα, αναπνέω πιο εύκολα, τα πάω περίφημα σε κτ, που μπορείς να φτάσεις εύκολα, που μπορείς να φτάσεις εύκολα, που είναι μόνο για τα εύκολα, φίλος στα εύκολα, αδιάφορος, δικαστής που καταδικάζει εύκολα σε θάνατο, δύσκολος, ζόρικος, είμαι ευερέθιστος, μου έρχονται όλα έυκολα, θερμόαιμος, θερμοκέφαλος, που δεν καταλαβαίνει εύκολα, στα εύκολα και στα δύσκολα, που είναι εύκολο να αρέσει, που γίνεται εύκολα συμπαθής, που αναπηδά εύκολα, που συγχέεται εύκολα με κάτι άλλο, που έχει τη δυνατότητα να μετακινείται εύκολα, όλα είναι εύκολα, τα πράγματα είναι πιο εύκολα, οξυδερκής, ευκολοπρόφερτος, που μαθαίνει εύκολα, εύκολα προσβάσιμος, ρίψασπις, ευαίσθητος σε, που προσβάλλεται εύκολα από, οξύθυμος, που μπορεί να σοκαριστεί, ευέξαπτος, ευερέθιστος, ευέξαπτος, οξύθυμος, που αλείφεται εύκολα, δειλία, δυνατότητα υποβολής, ευεπηρέαστος, θυμώνω εύκολα, εύθικτος, στα εύκολα και στα δύσκολα, που δεν πείθεται εύκολα, που δεν γίνεται εύκολα αποδεκτός, δεν πωλείται εύκολα, δεν έχει μεγάλη ζήτηση, εύχρηστος, κερδίζω εύκολα. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word εύκολα



(without trouble)

Ο Τζον πήδησε πάνω από την πύλη με άνεση.
John jumped over the gate easily.

άνετα, ξεκούραστα, εύκολα

(with great ease)

The soccer team effortlessly defeated their opponents.

εύκολα, άνετα


Αυτό το βιβλίο θα μπορούσε εύκολα (or: άνετα) να μεταφερθεί στον κινηματογράφο.
This book would lend itself readily to a film adaptation.

άνετα, χαλαρά

(easily, with no effort) (καθομιλουμένη)

The soccer player handily scored two goals in the first five minutes of the game.


(figurative (without difficulty)

This video will show you how to fill in your tax return quickly and painlessly.


(in all likelihood)

Η Κάρεν είπε πως θα το κάνει, μπορεί όμως ν' αλλάξει γνώμη εύκολα.
Karen said she'd do it, but she could easily change her mind.


(quickly, easily)

You got off pretty lightly, considering what you did.

αυθόρμητα, αβίαστα

(said easily without thinking)


(without concern)

'A bit of rain isn't going to spoil my walk,' said Chloe breezily.

αναπνέω πιο εύκολα

(stop struggling for breath)

The drug relaxes the muscles in the chest so the patient can breathe easier.

τα πάω περίφημα σε κτ

(figurative, informal (do easily)

Don't worry about the exam - I'm sure you'll breeze through it.

που μπορείς να φτάσεις εύκολα

(not hard to reach or get)

Due to lower exam standards, 'B' grades are easily attained by most applicants.

που μπορείς να φτάσεις εύκολα

(object: close to hand)

που είναι μόνο για τα εύκολα

(figurative (unreliable in difficulty)

φίλος στα εύκολα

(when situation is unproblematic)


(unremarkable, unmemorable)

The food at that restaurant wasn't bad, but it was forgettable.

δικαστής που καταδικάζει εύκολα σε θάνατο

(sb who sentences criminals to execution)

δύσκολος, ζόρικος

(informal, figurative (person: hard to persuade)

Mike was a hard sell I, but I eventually won him over.

είμαι ευερέθιστος

(figurative (lose your temper easily)

μου έρχονται όλα έυκολα

(informal (face no problems)

Ο κόσμος πιστεύει πως όλα έρχονται εύκολα σε όσους έχουν γεννηθεί πλούσιοι.
People born into money are considered to have it easy.

θερμόαιμος, θερμοκέφαλος

(figurative, slang (sb quick to anger) (μεταφορικά)

Some hotheads were causing trouble at the protest march.

που δεν καταλαβαίνει εύκολα

(not perceiving)

στα εύκολα και στα δύσκολα

(no matter what happens)

Tony has always taken seriously his vows to love his wife in sickness and in health.

που είναι εύκολο να αρέσει, που γίνεται εύκολα συμπαθής

(easy to like)

Τα κομμάτια στο νέο τους cd είναι όλα συμπαθητικά - και όλα ξεχνιούνται εύκολα.
The tunes on their new CD are all likable – and all forgettable.

που αναπηδά εύκολα


The ball was overinflated and lively.

που συγχέεται εύκολα με κάτι άλλο

(easily confused with sth else)

που έχει τη δυνατότητα να μετακινείται εύκολα

(sb: able to change location)

Ο Τζον απέφευγε να αγοράζει πολλά πράγματα ώστε να έχει τη δυνατότητα να μετακινείται εύκολα.
John avoided buying too many things so that he could be more mobile.

όλα είναι εύκολα, τα πράγματα είναι πιο εύκολα

(figurative, slang (leading easy life)

After we paid all of our debts, we were living on easy street.


(person: insightful)

Αντιλαμβάνεται πολύ εύκολα που χρειάζονται επιπλέον βοήθεια οι μαθητές.
She's very perceptive about where students need extra help.


(word, name: easy to say)

που μαθαίνει εύκολα

(fast learner)

The boy is a quick study.

εύκολα προσβάσιμος


China is a ready market for almost all our products.


(archaic (having deserted a cause) (λόγιο: δειλός φυγόμαχος)

ευαίσθητος σε, που προσβάλλεται εύκολα από

(easily affected by)

Να είσαι ευγενικός μαζί της - είναι αρκετά ευαίσθητη όσον αφορά την κριτική για τη μαγειρική της.
Be gentle with her - she's rather sensitive to criticism about her cooking. He is extremely sensitive to light.


(becomes angry suddenly)

που μπορεί να σοκαριστεί

(can be shocked)

ευέξαπτος, ευερέθιστος

(easily angered)

I can get very short-tempered when things don't go my way.

ευέξαπτος, οξύθυμος

(informal (person: irritable)

Watch out, the boss is snappy today and yelling at everyone who gets in his way.

που αλείφεται εύκολα

(butter, etc.: soft)


(shock, distaste)

δυνατότητα υποβολής

(tend to accept sb's suggestion)


(easy to persuade or influence)

θυμώνω εύκολα

(ability to get angry)

Η Χάνα είναι οξύθυμη· καλύτερα μην την εκνευρίσεις.
Hannah has a temper; it's best not to upset her.


(figurative (easily offended)

στα εύκολα και στα δύσκολα

(figurative, informal (through all manner of difficulties)

που δεν πείθεται εύκολα

(figurative, informal (sb hard to persuade)

Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack.

που δεν γίνεται εύκολα αποδεκτός

(figurative (unpleasant, distasteful)

The government faces the unpalatable prospect of cutting services to children.

δεν πωλείται εύκολα, δεν έχει μεγάλη ζήτηση

(not fit to be sold)


(easy to handle)

κερδίζω εύκολα

(figurative, informal (be outright winner)

We knew that our team would win the game hands down.

Let's learn Greek

So now that you know more about the meaning of εύκολα in Greek, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Greek.

Do you know about Greek

Greek is an Indo-European language, spoken in Greece, Western and Northeastern Asia Minor, Southern Italy, Albania and Cyprus. It has the longest recorded history of all living languages, spanning 34 centuries. The Greek alphabet is the main writing system for writing Greek. Greek has an important place in the history of the Western World and Christianity; Ancient Greek literature has had extremely important and influential works on Western literature, such as the Iliad and the Odýsseia. Greek is also the language in which many texts are fundamental in science, especially astronomy, mathematics and logic, and Western philosophy, such as those of Aristotle. The New Testament in the Bible was written in Greek. This language is spoken by more than 13 million people in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Albania, and Turkey.