What does omringa in Swedish mean?
What is the meaning of the word omringa in Swedish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use omringa in Swedish.
The word omringa in Swedish means surround, omringa, omringa, omge, omge, omsluta, innesluta, omringa, omringa, omringa, tvinga fram ngt från ngn, anfalla, omringa, omringa, omringa, omringa, omringa, omringa, omringa, omge ngt. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word omringa
omringa(police: encircle sb or sth) Polisen omringade byggnaden. The police surrounded the building. |
omringa(circle: move around) |
omge(be all around) Vi var omgivna av lummiga, lövrika växter. We were surrounded by lush, leafy plants. |
omge, omsluta, innesluta, omringa(figurative, often passive (surround) I was sandwiched between two sumo wrestlers on that flight! The host sandwiched me between two bankers at the dinner table and they just kept talking across me about investments. |
omringa(figurative, informal (force to a decision, statement) (bildlig) The reporters asked again and again whether he favored the bill, but they couldn't pin him down. |
omringa(circle: form a circle around) The trees of the forest encircle the small town. |
tvinga fram ngt från ngn(figurative, informal (force to a decision, statement) The interviewer struggled to pin the Prime Minister down on whether she planned to raise taxes. |
anfalla(crowd: descend on) Fans mobbed him as he left the theatre. |
omringa(often passive (surround, encircle) Det fanns ingen utväg. Vi var omringade. There was no escape; we were hedged in. |
omringa(cluster around) |
omringa(surround) The police ringed the gang. |
omringa(people: inundate) The crowd mobbed the city hall. |
omringa(encircle) |
omringa(archaic (surround) The walls that compassed the city were too high to be scaled. |
omringa(often passive (surround, enclose) Hedges bound the field on all sides. |
omge ngt(encircle, surround) The corset girdled the woman's torso tightly. |
Let's learn Swedish
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Do you know about Swedish
Swedish (Svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken as a mother tongue by 10.5 million people living mainly in Sweden and parts of Finland. Swedish speakers can understand Norwegian and Danish speakers. Swedish is closely related to Danish and Norwegian, and usually anyone who understands either can understand Swedish.