What does brilhar in Portuguese mean?

What is the meaning of the word brilhar in Portuguese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use brilhar in Portuguese.

The word brilhar in Portuguese means shine, shine, , brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, centelhar, cintilar, brilhar, cintilar, brilhar, brilhar, resplandecer, iluminar-se, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, queimar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, brilhar, fulgurar, brilhar, abrilhantar, brilhar mais do que, brilhar mais do que. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word brilhar


(emitir luz)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")


(figurado (sobressair-se, destacar-se) (figurative)

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")


intransitive verb (light: shine harshly) (intensamente)

Era meio-dia e o sol estava brilhando.
It was midday and the sun was glaring.


intransitive verb (shine)

O lago brilhou ao luar.
The lake gleamed in the moonlight.

brilhar, centelhar, cintilar

intransitive verb (light: reflecting) (luz)

O diamante no anel de noivado de Patricia brilhava quando capturava luz.
The diamond of Patricia's engagement ring sparkled as it caught the light.

brilhar, cintilar

intransitive verb (shimmer)

Look at how her necklace glistens in the light.


intransitive verb (radiate light, glow)

brilhar, resplandecer

intransitive verb (archaic (glitter, glisten)


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (brighten with joy) (figurado)

(verbo pronominal/reflexivo: Verbos que precisam do pronome "se". Ex. "ferir-se", "queixar-se", etc.)
O rosto dela se iluminou quando ela ouviu que seu pai estava retornando.
Her face lit up when she heard that her father was returning.


intransitive verb (be bright)

O sol está brilhando muito hoje.
The sun is really shining today.


intransitive verb (figurative (person: excel) (pessoa: ser excelente)

(verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. Ex. "oferecer ajuda", "gostar de música", etc.)
Ela vai brilhar na competição.
She will shine in the competition.


intransitive verb (give light)

ⓘEsta frase não é uma tradução da frase em inglês Olhando pela janela, vi uma única estrela brilhar.
The stars glowed brightly in the night sky.


(figurative (face: beam) (rosto)

O rosto dele brilhará de alegria quando ele abrir a embalagem do presente.
His face will shine with excitement when he opens the gift package.


intransitive verb (light: shine)

Luzes de neon brilharam pelo céu.
Neon lights beamed across the sky.


intransitive verb (shine)

(verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. Ex. "oferecer ajuda", "gostar de música", etc.)
As estrelas brilhavam à noite no céu de inverno.
The stars blazed in the winter night sky.

queimar, brilhar

intransitive verb (glow, be illuminated)

O lampião queimou a noite toda.
The lantern burned all night long.


intransitive verb (eyes: with emotion)

Sarah's eyes gleamed and she said, "Let's do this!"


intransitive verb (skin) (pele)

Karen sabia que sua filha estava grávida pela maneira como sua pele brilhava.
Karen knew that her daughter was pregnant by the way that her skin glowed.


intransitive verb (figurative (person: shine) (figurado: pessoa)

Glenn brilhava essa noite, todos estavam impressionados com a perspicácia dele.
Glenn was sparkling tonight; everyone was impressed by his wit.


intransitive verb (glow)

A soft light flamed in the distance.


intransitive verb (shine, gleam)

The sequins on Linda's dress shimmered as she danced.


intransitive verb (be hot)

Os carvões brilhavam na lareira.
The coals glowed in the fireplace.


intransitive verb (eyes: sparkle)

The old lady's eyes twinkled with amusement, as though she was enjoying a good joke.


transitive verb (make brighter)

(verbo transitivo: Verbos que possuem complemento, direto ou indireto. Ex. "oferecer ajuda", "gostar de música", etc.)
Uma camada de tinta fresca ajudaria a abrilhantar um pouco o quarto.
A coat of fresh paint would help to brighten the room.

brilhar mais do que

transitive verb (figurative (perform better than) (figurativo)

(expressão verbal: Expressão usada como verbo. Ex. "se dar bem com"; "ter medo de". Também para elementos compostos mais longos, como expressões idiomáticas e ditados que começam com um verbo.)
Heather worked hard to outshine the other designers.

brilhar mais do que

transitive verb (shine brighter than)

(expressão verbal: Expressão usada como verbo. Ex. "se dar bem com"; "ter medo de". Também para elementos compostos mais longos, como expressões idiomáticas e ditados que começam com um verbo.)
The North Star outshines the other stars.

Let's learn Portuguese

So now that you know more about the meaning of brilhar in Portuguese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Portuguese.

Do you know about Portuguese

Portuguese (português) is a Roman language native to the Iberian peninsula of Europe. It is the only official language of Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde. Portuguese has between 215 and 220 million native speakers and 50 million second language speakers, for a total of about 270 million. Portuguese is often listed as the sixth most spoken language in the world, third in Europe. In 1997, a comprehensive academic study ranked Portuguese as one of the 10 most influential languages in the world. According to UNESCO statistics, Portuguese and Spanish are the fastest growing European languages after English.