What does en in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word en in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use en in Icelandic.
The word en in Icelandic means but, than, how. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word en
butconjunction (although) Allir menn hafa einhvern náttúrulegan hæfileika, en spurningin er sú hvort þeir geti notað hann eða ekki. All men have some natural talent, but the question is whether they can use it or not. |
thanadpositionconjunction (Introduces a comparison) Skuld okkar er meiri en við getum borgað. Our debt is more than we can pay. |
howadverb (used as a modifier to indicate surprise, delight, or other strong feelings) Látum hann kynnast ergelsi áđur en hann verđur leiđtogi. Well, before we make him a leader, let's see how he deals with frustration. |
See more examples
En hafið samt alveg á tæru: The point that I must emphasise is |
En ekki eru allir jafn ákafir. Others, however, take a less enthusiastic view. |
Ég vissi hversu mikils Guð metur mannslíkamann en það var samt ekki nóg til að stoppa mig.“ — Jennifer, 20 ára. I knew of God’s high regard for the human body, but even this did not deter me.” —Jennifer, 20. |
En þar eð Mercator birti einnig í bókinni mótmæli Lúters frá 1517 gegn sölu aflátsbréfa var Chronologia sett á lista kaþólsku kirkjunnar yfir bannaðar bækur. However, because Mercator had included in his book Luther’s protest against indulgences in 1517, Chronologia was put on the Catholic Church’s index of prohibited books. |
Stöðvarhúsið er ofanjarðar en grafið niður og inn í brekkurótina. The station is below ground level built into a cutting. |
Það var verra að vera þar en í fangelsi, því að eyjarnar voru svo litlar og matur ekki nægur.“ It was worse than being in jail because the islands were so small and there was not enough food.” |
En ūađ er 30% aukagjald fyrir vitjun eftir miđnætti. But there is a 30% surcharge for making a house call after midnight. |
Guðspjallaritararnir vissu að hann hafði verið á himnum áður en hann kom til jarðar. The Gospel writers knew that Jesus had lived in heaven before coming to earth. |
Ef við fylgjum þessari meginreglu gerum við sannleikann ekki flóknari en hann þarf að vera. If we follow this guideline, we will not make the truth more complicated than it needs to be. |
Spádómurinn um eyðingu Jerúsalem sýnir greinilega að Jehóva er Guð sem ‚boðar þjónum sínum nýja hluti áður en fyrir þeim vottar‘. — Jesaja 42:9. The prophecy regarding the destruction of Jerusalem clearly portrays Jehovah as a God who ‘causes his people to know new things before they begin to spring up.’ —Isaiah 42:9. |
Sem betur fer var þeim kennt fagnaðarerindið, þeir iðruðust og urðu andlega sterkari en freistingar Satans, fyrir friðþægingu Jesú Krists. Mercifully, they were taught the gospel, repented, and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ became spiritually much stronger than Satan’s enticements. |
Hvort þeir voru beinlínis konungsættar er ekki vitað, en telja má víst að þeir hafi að minnsta kosti verið af tignar- og áhrifamönnum komnir. Whether they were from the royal line or not, it is reasonable to think that they were at least from families of some importance and influence. |
13 Systkini í söfnuðinum áttuðu sig á því, eftir að hafa hlýtt á ræðu á svæðismóti, að þau þyrftu að koma öðruvísi fram við móður sína en þau höfðu gert, en henni hafði verið vikið úr söfnuðinum sex árum áður og hún bjó annars staðar. 13 After hearing a talk at a circuit assembly, a brother and his fleshly sister realized that they needed to make adjustments in the way they treated their mother, who lived elsewhere and who had been disfellowshipped for six years. |
Þessi er samt meira notuð þar sem mjög auðvelt er að komast yfir natrón, en erfitt getur verið að komast svo auðveldlega yfir Almoníak. Those may grow too big for normal anal passage, thus becoming clinically relevant. |
Það er skaparinn en ekki stefnulaus þróun sem mun fullkomna genamengið. – Opinberunarbókin 21:3, 4. Yes, our Creator, not mindless evolution, will perfect our genome. —Revelation 21:3, 4. |
Ūetta gæti veriđ rétt hjá Júrgen en hann getur ekki sannađ ūađ. Jurgen may be right, but we might not be able to prove it. |
Hægt var að þurrka út skrift með rökum svampi áður en blekið þornaði. Soon after working with such ink, a person could take a wet sponge and wipe the writing away. |
En ef ūiđ viljiđ fá mann er ūetta ađferđin: But if you want a relationship, so do you get one. |
Allir menn hafa einhvern náttúrulegan hæfileika, en spurningin er sú hvort þeir geti notað hann eða ekki. All men have some natural talent, but the question is whether they can use it or not. |
8. (a) Hvaða undirstöðuaðferð var notuð við kennsluna í Ísrael en hvað einkenndi hana? 8. (a) What basic teaching method was used in Israel, but with what important characteristic? |
Hún skildi náttúrulega ekki hvers vegna ég grét, en á þeirri stundu ákvað ég að dvelja ekki framar við neikvæðar hugsanir og hætta allri sjálfsmeðaumkun. Obviously, she did not understand why I wept, but at that moment I resolved to stop feeling sorry for myself and dwelling on negative thoughts. |
En þegar þau starfa öll saman til að úr verði mælt mál vinna þau eins og fingur á reyndum vélritara eða konsertpíanóleikara. But put them all together for speech and they work the way fingers of expert typists and concert pianists do. |
Eftir sóttdvala sem er 2-5 dagar (getur verið 1-10 dagar) koma einkennin fram, en þau eru oftast sár verkur í kviði, vatnskenndar og/eða blóðugar hægðir og sótthiti. After an incubation period of 2–5 days (range 1–10 days) common symptoms are severe abdominal pain, watery and/or bloody diarrhoea and fever. |
En hvađ ef ég ūarf ađ drepa vampíru? But say I wanted to kill a vampire. |
Ūiđ voruđ svo nánar en ūegar Megan hvarf... You were all so close, then after Megan disappeared... |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.