What does kvittun in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word kvittun in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kvittun in Icelandic.

The word kvittun in Icelandic means receipt, receipt. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kvittun



Get ég fengið kvittun?
May I have a receipt?


verb noun (written acknowledgment that a person has received money or property in payment)

Get ég fengið kvittun?
May I have a receipt?

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Ūađ er kvittun fyrir miklum peningum.
It's like a receipt for a great deal of money.
Ég á kvittun
I got my receipt
Ég hef aldrei fengiđ kvittun.
We've never had a receipt before.
Ūetta er kvittun fyrir strigaskķnum, merkt sem Varnargagn A.
This is a receipt for the sneakers I'd like to mark as Defense Exhibit A.
Til að vera viss um að þú sért ekki að kaupa stolna hluti skaltu biðja um kvittun með nafni og heimilisfangi seljanda.
To be sure that you are not buying stolen goods, it is wise to get a receipt with the seller’s name and address.
Ūađ er kvittun í kassanum.
The receipt's in the box.
Kvittun góðu borgar gömlu Manhatto, ég fullt kom í New Bedford.
Quitting the good city of old Manhatto, I duly arrived in New Bedford.
Kvittun fyrir buxunum. Varnargagn B.
This is a receipt for the sweatpants, Defense Exhibit B.
Holmes hripa kvittun á blað af athugið- bók hans og rétti honum.
Holmes scribbled a receipt upon a sheet of his note- book and handed it to him.
Sko, ég læt ūig nú fá kvittun fyrir verđmæti veđmálsins, 68.000 dala, á hest númer tvö, sem heitir Til-í-brokk.
Right, I will now issue you with a receipt to the value of your wager, $ 68,000, on the number two horse, which is called Hot-To-Trot.
Ég ūarf kvittun!
I need a receipt!
Í nútímaverslunum er reikningur kvittun gefin út til staðfestingar á greiðslu.
Upon successful transaction, the money gets credited in the account of the receiver instantly.
Skrifađu 4.900.000 dollara kvittun fyrir senor Bond.
Make out a deposit receipt for $ 4,900,000 for señor Bond.
Ég er með kvittun fyrir honum
I have a bill of sale for it
Get ég fengið kvittun?
May I have a receipt?
Annars getur þú náð aðgerð þinni úr vasa og það er hægt að endurgreiða hjá FSA fyrirtækinu með því að gefa inn kvittun og skráningu sjúkrahúsa.
Otherwise, you can cover your surgery out of pocket, and it's possible to be reimbursed by the FSA company by giving your hospital receipts and records.
Greiðsla er gerð á hótelinu og sett á kvittun eða reikning.
Payment is made at the hotel and put on a receipt or invoice.
Afhentir ekki kvittun.
Receipt withholding.
Get ég fengið kvittun fyrir því sem ég keypti um borð?
Can I get a receipt for onboard purchases? What do you have for sale on board?
Lesa kvittun - Sjáðu hvenær skilaboðin þín hafa verið lesin af viðskiptavinum þínum.
Read receipt - See when your messages have been read by your customer.
Í samningi þessum merkir orðið „farseðill” þennan farþegafarseðil og farangursmiða, eða þessa ferðaáætlun/kvittun ef við á þegar um rafrænan farseðil er að ræða og eru skilmálar þessir og tilkynningarnar hluti hans. Flutningur (carriage) merkir sama og „flutningur” (transportation), flugfélag (carrier) nær til allra flugfélaga, sem flytja farþegan eða skuldbinda sig til að flytja hann eða farangur hans samkvæmt þessum farseðli eða inna af hendi hverskyns aðra þjónustu, tengda slíkum loftflutningi. Rafrænn farseðill merkir ferðaáætlun/kvittun, sem gefin er út af flugfélaginu eða, fyrir þess hönd, rafrænir miðar og, ef við á, brottfarargagn, Varsjársamningurinn er alþjóðasamningur um samræmingu tiltekinna reglna um loftflutning milli landa, er undirritaður var í Varsjá 12. október 1929, eða samningurinn eins og honum var breytt í Haag 28. september 1955, hvor sem við á.
As used in this contract “ticket” means this passenger ticket and baggage check, or this itinerary/receipt if applicable, in the case of an electronic ticket, of which these conditions and notices form part, “carriage is equivalent to “transportation”, “carrier” means all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry the passenger or his baggage hereunder or perform any other service incidental to such air carriage, “electronic ticket” means the Itinerary/Receipt issued by or on behalf of Carrier, the Electron Coupons and, if applicable a boarding document, “Warsaw Convention” means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw, 12th October 1929, or that Convention as amended at The Hague, 28th September 1955, whichever may be applicable.
Aldrei missa annan kvittun.
Never lose another receipt.
Hins vegar, þegar um greiðslu er að ræða, sem krafist er staðfestingar á kvittun, skal endurgreiða hana innan þriggja virkra daga frá staðfestingu kvittunar.
However, in the case of payment means requiring confirmation of receipt, it shall be reimbursed within three business days from receipt confirmation.
Kerfið mun senda þér prentanlega staðfestingu á samþykkinu og fá kvittun fyrir kreditkortið þitt.
The system will provide a printable confirmation of your approval and a receipt for your credit card records.
Það er engin Kvittun á hvern annan.
There is no quitting on each other.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of kvittun in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.