What does marmari in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word marmari in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use marmari in Icelandic.

The word marmari in Icelandic means marble, marble. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word marmari


noun (crystalline limestone)

Ef mađur notar ūađ lengi verđur hún hörđ sem marmari.
And if you keep using it, skin like living marble.


adjective verb noun (non-foliated metamorphic rock commonly used for sculpture and as a building material)

Ef mađur notar ūađ lengi verđur hún hörđ sem marmari.
And if you keep using it, skin like living marble.

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Bitur eyðurnar hvað í þeim svart- land marmari sem ná ekki ösku!
What bitter blanks in those black- bordered marbles which cover no ashes!
Ef mađur notar ūađ lengi verđur hún hörđ sem marmari.
And if you keep using it, skin like living marble.
Þú þarft aðeins að þurrka það daglega. Quartz plöturnar eru yfirleitt ódýrari en granít eða marmari, en þurfa einnig lítið viðhald.
You only need to wipe it down daily.Quartz slabs are generally cheaper than granite or marble, but also require low maintenance.
Þú hefur 100 marmari til að skora eins hátt og þú getur.
You have 100 marbles to score as high as you can.
Granít og marmari þarfnast reglulega þéttingar eftir uppsetningu en kvars gerir það ekki.
Granite and marble needs regular sealing after installation, but quartz does not.
Hár þrautseigja, sterk sprunga mótstöðu, og það mun ekki flís eins auðveldlega eins og granít, marmari, flísar eða steypu.
High tenacity, strong crack resistance, and it won’t chip as easily as granite, marble, tile or concrete.
Meðal verðmætra steina, sem finnast á landareigninni, eru marmari, silfurberg, ópalar og jaspís. Stærsti silfurbergssteinninn, sem fannst þar, vóg 175 kg. Hann var sendur til Reykjavíkur og þaðan var hann seldur til Þýzkalands á háu verði. Talsvert er um ríólít í fjöllum og flest bendir til þess, að þetta umhverfi hafi verið megineldstöð fyrrum.
Among the precious and semiprecious stones found in great quantities in the mountains of the property are marble, Iceland spar, opals and jaspers. The largest Iceland spar ever found in the country weighed 175 kg. It was transported to the capital and sold to Germany for a very high price.
Annar stakk upp á gulli, en hinn taldi að hvítur marmari hæfði betur.
One proposed gold, but the other suggested that white marble might be better.
Þeir virðast smám saman skipta um marmari, pachinko vélar og leikjatölvur með vélrænni reglum.
They seem to gradually replace marbles, pachinko machines and game consoles made with mechanical principles.
Í fyrsta lagi er lítill marmari, en það vex jafnt og þétt smám saman á hverjum degi.
At first it is a small marble, but it grows steadily little by little every day.
Það getur verið með hönnun sem virðist næstum eins og granít og marmari, ef þú þarft. Ólíkt náttúrulegum steinum, þá ertu ekki takmörkuð við hönnunina sem náttúran veitir. Umsókn
It can have designs that look almost identical to granite and marble,if you need.Unlike with natural stones, you’re not limited to the designs that Nature provides. Application
Fara á undan, missa marmari með Poxxle netinu!
Go ahead, lose your marbles with Poxxle online!
Marmari á gólfum.
Marble floors.
- Match 3 eða fleiri sama samliggjandi kúla marmari til að hreinsa
- Match 3 or more same adjacent bubble marbles to clear
Group 3 eða fleiri sams konar marmari saman til að hreinsa þá.
Group 3 or more identical marbles together to clear them.
Steinn froskur mun spíra út marmari af ýmsum litum.
The stone frog will spit out marbles of various colors.
Granít, marmari, steypa og malbik eru 4 helstu efnin sem notuð eru á byggingarsviðinu.
Granite, marble, concrete and asphalt are the 4 main materials used in the construction field.
Mörg önnur yfirborð, svo sem kalksteinn, marmari og granít, þurfa að vera lokað reglulega.
Many other surfaces, such as limestone, marble and granite, need to be sealed regularly.
Seld turnkey + 4 hjól, 4 köfunartæki, 4 fiskveiðar, bát, öryggisvestir, byggingarefni (marmari, múrsteinar, tré,...) og verkfæri.
Sold turnkey + 4 bikes, 4 diving equipment, 4 fishing rods, a boat, safety vests, building materials (marble, bricks, wood,...) and tools.
Til dæmis, þú þarft þrjár svört marmari til að ýta einum eða tveimur hvítum marmari.
For example, you need three black marbles to push one or two white marbles.
Búðu til áætlun um árás til að ýta marmari andstæðingsins af borðinu.
Create a plan of attack to push your opponent’s marbles off the board.
White, Black, beige marmari o.fl.
White, Black, beige marble etc.
Abalone hefur verið einn af bestu leikjum í um tæp 30 ár, þekkt fyrir sexhyrnd borð og svart og hvítt marmari.
Abalone has been one of the best games around for nearly 30 years, known for its hexagonal board and black and white marbles.
Liturinn er eins ríkur og marmari.
The color is as rich as marble.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.