What does mynd in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word mynd in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mynd in Icelandic.
The word mynd in Icelandic means picture, image, movie, photo, image. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word mynd
picturenoun (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) Ég var fimmtán ára á þessari mynd. I was fifteen years old in this picture. |
imagenoun (mental picture) Get ekki vistað mynd á þessu sniði Myndin verður ekki vistuð! Cannot write this image format. Image will not be saved |
movienoun (motion picture) Viltu horfa á mynd? Do you want to watch a movie? |
photonoun Er þetta nýleg mynd? Is this a recent photo? |
imageverb noun (artifact that depicts or records visual perception) Að nota eitthvað í líking eða mynd annars. To use something as a likeness or image of another thing. |
See more examples
Mynd af þessum fjórum, munaðarlausu stúlkum birtist á forsíðu dagblaðs í Suður-Afríku ásamt frétt af þrettándu alþjóðaráðstefnunni um alnæmi sem haldin var í Durban í Suður-Afríku í júlí á síðasta ári. A picture of the four orphaned girls was displayed on the front page of a South African newspaper that reported on the 13th International Aids Conference, held during July 2000 in Durban, South Africa. |
Að þeirra mati gefur það þá mynd af Guði að hann sé ónæmur fyrir tilfinningum mannanna. For them, it portrays God as insensitive to the feelings of his human creation. |
Þessi mynd af öldnu ólífutré er tekin þar sem talið er að Getsemanegarðurinn hafi verið. This photograph of an aged olive tree was taken at a traditional site of the Garden of Gethsemane. |
Þvert á móti hafa þau sundrað mannkyninu og dregið upp mjög ruglingslega mynd af Guði og hvernig eigi að tilbiðja hann. On the contrary, they have divided mankind and painted a confusing picture of who God is and how to worship him. |
Ūú hefur margundirritađ sömu mynd. You kept signing the same one. |
Hvað er rangt við þessa mynd? What Is Wrong With This Picture? |
Einhvernvegin var mynd þín alltaf í huga mér As if a portrait of you had been in my mind's eye. |
Í núverandi mynd sendir skipunin varahersveitir til allra 19 hersvæđa Ūũskalands, ūar á međal til hersetinna borga eins og Parísar, Vínar og Prag. As written, the order spreads reserve troops across all of Germany's 19 military districts, including occupied cities like Paris, Vienna and Prague. |
(12) Hvernig hefur þessi mynd hjálpað þér að sjá enn skýrar að Vottar Jehóva séu söfnuður Jehóva og að hann hafi fulla stjórn á gangi mála? (12) How has viewing this video deepened your appreciation that Jehovah is in full control and that this is his organization? |
Nice mynd. Nice picture. |
Hann tekur mynd, viđ verđum ađ gera ūetta. He's gonna take a picture, we just gotta do this. |
Vinsamlegast sendu mér mynd af þér. Please send me a picture of yourself. |
En það er tæplega rétt mynd af Jesú því að guðspjöllin lýsa honum sem hlýjum, góðhjörtuðum og tilfinningaríkum. But that is hardly a fair depiction of Jesus, whom the Gospels portray as a warm, kindhearted man of deep feelings. |
Ókei, fyrst við erum lentir í orðhengilshætti, ég sagðist ekki hafa kynnst honum fyrr en núna þó ég hafi hitt hann í einn dag við tökur á þessari mynd fyrir sex árum. Yes, I said I didn't get to know him until now. Even though we may have met one day during the shoot, six years ago. |
Af því að „heimurinn í núverandi mynd líður undir lok.“ Because “the scene of this world is changing.” |
Komdu.Tökum mynd Come on, let' s take the picture |
Í skjalinu „Fjölskyldan: Yfirlýsing til heimsins,“ hafa Æðsta forsætisráðið og Tólfpostulasveitin sagt: „Allar mannlegar verur ‒ karlar og konur ‒ eru skapaðar í mynd Guðs. In “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles state: “All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. |
" Þessi mynd! " " This photograph! " |
Nú er þær að finna, ýmist í breyttri eða óbreyttri mynd, í þeim trúarbrögðum sem stunduð eru í kristna heiminum. Today they, or modified versions of them, can be found in the religions of Christendom. |
Smelltu hér á hnappinn til að breyta um mynd Click the button to change your image |
Hey, elskan, ūađ er borđ baka til sem vil taka mynd međ ūér. Hey, honey, there's a table in back, wants to take a picture with you. |
Ég náđi ķtrúlegri mynd. You wouldn't believe the shot I got. |
Ūrjú, víđari mynd. Three, wider. |
Hvað sem arfgengum tilhneigingum líður og ytri áhrifum sem við verðum fyrir, getum við „afklæðst hinum gamla manni með gjörðum hans og íklæðst hinum nýja, sem endurnýjast til fullkominnar þekkingar og verður þannig mynd skapara síns.“ — Kólossubréfið 3: 9, 10. Despite any genetic predisposition we may have and any external influences that may affect us, we can “strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe [ourselves] with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it.”—Colossians 3:9, 10. |
Hann hefur málað Betty í svartan kjól eins og... leikkonan í mynd Alan Ladd, Bláa Dalian. See, Bevo's painting Betty in a black dress like some actress in that Alan Ladd movie, Blue Dahlia. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.