What does örugglega in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word örugglega in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use örugglega in Icelandic.

The word örugglega in Icelandic means without fail, certainly, surely. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word örugglega

without fail

adverb (certainly)

20 Vilji Guðs nær örugglega fram að ganga á jörðinni.
20 Without fail, Jehovah’s will is going to be accomplished on earth.



Bob verður örugglega viðstaddur fundinn.
Bob will certainly attend the meeting.



John mun örugglega taka við af föður sínum í fyrirtækinu.
John is sure to succeed his father in the company.

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Innan tíðar var jafnvel farið að pynda vitni til að ganga úr skugga um að þau hefðu örugglega ákært alla trúvillinga sem þau þekktu.
Soon even witnesses were being tortured to make sure they had denounced all the heretics they knew.
Eftirfarandi hvatningarorð geta örugglega hjálpað til að ráða bót á vandanum.
We believe that the following encouragement can help to remedy the situation.
Myndi hún eftir virkilega að hann hefði yfirgefið mjólk standa ekki örugglega úr hvaða skortur af hungri, og myndi hún koma í eitthvað annað til að borða meira viðeigandi fyrir hann?
Would she really notice that he had left the milk standing, not indeed from any lack of hunger, and would she bring in something else to eat more suitable for him?
Ef prófraun blasir við, sem okkur virðist mjög erfið, getur það örugglega hvatt okkur til að gefast ekki upp í baráttu trúarinnar að hugsa um hina erfiðu prófraun Abrahams er hann var beðinn að fórna Ísak, syni sínum.
If a trial confronting us seems severe, remembering the hard test Abraham faced when he was asked to offer up his son Isaac would certainly encourage us not to give up in the contest of faith.
Ég veit örugglega hvađ gerđist hjá ykkur Oh.
I bet I know what went down with you and O.
Þá verður hún örugglega fullnotuð.
She'll be used up by then for sure.
Átt örugglega ekki tannbursta.
I bet you don't even have a toothbrush.
Þeir okkar sem undirbúa prestdæmishafa, mun örugglega sjá þá gera mistök.
Those of you who are preparing priesthood holders will certainly see them make mistakes.
Þú munt örugglega njóta þess sem þú finnur.
Be assured that you will enjoy what we find.
Fljótt og örugglega
Full speed ahead
Hann er örugglega með herpes.
I'm sure he has herpes. Oh!
Þú munt örugglega hafa gagn af því að fara yfir upplýsingarnar sem komu fram í Vaknið!
Likely, you will benefit by reviewing the helpful information that appeared in Awake!
Gerðu örugglega sjálfur það sem þú hvetur aðra til að gera.
Make sure that you are doing what you encourage others to do.
„Ég hef sjálf skoðaða réttarbækur og skrár Gestapó,“ segir hún, „og þær styðja örugglega þessar hærri tölur.“
“My own perusal of Court and Gestapo records,” she declared, “would certainly support these higher figures.”
Get ég örugglega ekki tælt þig inn?
Sure I can't tempt you inside?
Við höfum lög um hlið okkar, og völd, og svo framvegis, svo þú vilt betri gefa upp góðu, sjá þig, því þú munt örugglega að gefast upp, loksins. "
We've got the law on our side, and the power, and so forth; so you'd better give up peaceably, you see; for you'll certainly have to give up, at last. "
18 Þú hlakkar örugglega til þess að fá að lifa í þeim dásamlega nýja heimi sem faðir okkar á himnum hefur lofað.
18 You undoubtedly look forward to the wonderful new world promised by our heavenly Father.
Viltu örugglega eyða greinum í % #?
Do you really want to delete all articles in %#?
Duke hefur ūađ örugglega fínt.
I'm sure Duke's just fine.
Þegar þú hefur fundið lokkandi ilminn og séð litríkan og safaríkan matinn finnst þér örugglega freistandi að bragða á honum.
After filling your nose with the tantalizing odors and your eyes with the appealing colors, you might be tempted to taste the succulent food.
Viltu örugglega tæma ruslmöppurnar fyrir öll auðkenni?
Are you sure you want to empty the trash folders of all accounts?
Ég hafði verið sagt að ef konungur starfandi umboðsmaður það myndi örugglega vera þú.
I had been told that if the King employed an agent it would certainly be you.
Já, örugglega
Yeah, no doubt
Það verður örugglega upplýsandi
I' m sure it' il be instructive
Hann á ekki kærustu en hann stundar örugglega kynlíf.
He doesn't have a girlfriend, but I'll bet he's having sex.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of örugglega in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.