What does reikningur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word reikningur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use reikningur in Icelandic.

The word reikningur in Icelandic means bill, account, receipt, Account. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word reikningur


noun (invoice)

Ūetta er reikningur frá stráknum sem gerđi viđ tölvuna.
This is a bill from that guy who fixed my computer the other day.


noun (a registry of pecuniary transactions)

Ūetta er bara reikningur.
It's an account, that's all.




(A UI element that links to Account Services or other, account-related site.)

Reikningur dũragarđsins er tķmur.
The zoo account is empty.

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Reikningur lotu
Session bill
Viðskipti maðurinn var lítið eitt, og það var ekkert í húsi sínu sem getur reikningur fyrir slíka vandaður undirbúningur, og svo útgjöld eins og þeir voru á.
The man's business was a small one, and there was nothing in his house which could account for such elaborate preparations, and such an expenditure as they were at.
Eins og hann bendir á gætu sumir sagt að hugarstarfsemi eins og reikningur komi mönnum greinilega að gagni, en er nokkur ávinningur að listinni?
As he pointed out, some might say that mental activity such as mathematics confers clear benefits to humans, but why art?
Ūetta er reikningur frá stráknum sem gerđi viđ tölvuna.
This is a bill from that guy who fixed my computer the other day.
Ég er ķgreiddur reikningur.
I am the unpaid bill.
" Skrift og reikningur nũtast manni í lífinu.
" Writing and counting benefit one's life.
Í nútímaverslunum er reikningur kvittun gefin út til staðfestingar á greiðslu.
Upon successful transaction, the money gets credited in the account of the receiver instantly.
Ūetta er reikningur upp á $ 2 milljarđa.
Put more simply, it's a bill for two billion dollars.
Reikningur tengingar: % # Reikningur samtals: %
Session Bill: %# Total Bill: %
'Reeling og Writhing, auðvitað, til að byrja með, " í spotta Turtle sagði; " og þá mismunandi greinum Reikningur - Metnaður, Arnarsson, Uglification og
'Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with,'the Mock Turtle replied;'and then the different branches of Arithmetic -- Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and
Reikningur dũragarđsins er tķmur.
The zoo account is empty.
Þessi reikningur af þér sem við höfum úr öllum ársfjórðungum borist.
This account of you we have from all quarters received.
Reikningur fylgir bķkunum.
Our invoice is enclosed with the books.
11.4 Ef þú skráir þig inn eftir að við hefjum að innheimta greiðslu umsýslugjalds fyrir reikninginn þinn en áður en reikningur þinn telst óvirkur munum við ekki lengur krefjast greiðslu umsýslugjaldsins fyrir reikninginn þinn.
11.4 If, after we began charging Your Account with the administrative fee, you log-in before Your Account becomes dormant, Your Account will no longer be charged the administrative fee.
Reikningur verður gjaldfærður til endurnýjunar innan 24 klukkustunda fyrir lok núverandi tímabils og tilgreina kostnað við endurnýjun
Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal
Til þess að nota allar aðgerðir umsóknarinnar er Pmang reikningur krafist.
In order to use all functions of the application, Pmang account is required.
Hámarks email reikningur 8
Maximum email accounts 8
Undirprófin Reikningur, Litafletir, Hlutaröðun, Táknleit og Orðskilningur voru öll marktækt hærri en bandarískt meðaltal þessara undirprófa.
Five subtests were significantly higher than the mean of 10 in the USA standardization: Arithmetic, Block Design, Object Assembly, Symbol Search and Vocabulary.
Ath: Til að skrá, þú þarft a aukagjald reikningur á Agra-Evrópu.
Note: To register, you need a premium account at Agra-Europe.
Online reikningur opnun - International
Open an online account - International
- Reikningur verður innheimt fyrir endurnýjun innan 24 klukkustunda fyrir lok yfirstandandi tímabils, og bera kennsl á kostnaði við endurnýjun.
- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal.
Notkun bónuspeninga til að vinna meira en tvisvar af bónusum sem borist eru á borðspil og vídeópóker áður en skipt er aftur á spilakassa með það að markmiði að klára kröfur um spilakröfur geta leitt til þess að vinningarnar þínar verði upptækar og að reikningur sé lokaður.
The use of bonus money to win more than twice of bonus received on table games and video poker before changing back to slot machines with the purpose of completing wagering requirements can result in your winnings being confiscated and account being closed.
Ógilt netfang eða reikningur er þegar til.
Invalid email address or an account already exists.
- Easy reikningur opnun
- Easy account opening
Reikningur verður búinn til sjálfkrafa þegar þú kaupir fyrsta skýrsluna.
An account will be created automatically once you purchase your first report.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of reikningur in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.