What does rekstur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word rekstur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use rekstur in Icelandic.
The word rekstur in Icelandic means operation, management, pursuit. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word rekstur
operationnoun (method or practice by which actions are done) Ūađ er skylda mín ađ sjá um daglegan rekstur. My responsibilities are to run the day-to-day operations. |
managementnoun Þessi undirflokkur fjármagnar rekstur áætlunarinnar, einkum landsskrifstofanna. This sub-Action funds the management structures of the Programme, in particular the National Agencies |
pursuitnoun |
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Hún sér um rekstur prentsmiðja og fasteigna í eigu ýmissa félaga sem Vottar Jehóva starfrækja. It has oversight of printeries and properties owned and operated by the various corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses. |
Má þar nefna rekstur deildarskrifstofa, Betelheimila og trúboðsheimila. Both publishers and sincerely interested persons in the field receive the literature without charge. |
Framkvæmdastjórnin skipar framkvæmdastjórann sem sér um stjórnun og rekstur stofnunarinnar. Stjórnin fylgist með að stofnunin ræki hlutverk sitt og verkefni í samræmi við stofnskrána. The Management Board, as well as appointing the Director and holding him accountable for the leadership and management of the Centre, also ensures that the Centre carries out its mission and tasks in line with the founding regulation. |
Stofnunin hefur stækkað rekstur sinn og bætt við svæðisskristofum út um allan heim til þess að mæta vaxandi þörfum flóttamanna. Earth is subsequently abandoned, and existing colonies throughout the Solar System are expanded to accommodate the refugees. |
Olíukreppan 1973 hafði slæm áhrif á rekstur fyrirtækisins. The oil crisis in 1973 encouraged the efficient use of energy. |
Aðalgrein: Heilbrigðisstjórnun Heilbrigðisstjórnun fjallar um stefnumótun í heilbrigðismálum, rekstur heilbrigðiskerfa, og dreifingu takmarkaðra gæða í heilbrigðisþjónustu. Health: The Trust works to improve the health care system, including programs addressing behavioral health and substance misuse. |
Ég er međ eigin rekstur. I got my own business now. |
Tķlf ára rekstur skiptir engu? Twelve years of doing business doesn't mean anything? |
Með því að hafa útlánsvextina hærri en innlánsvextina afla þeir peninga handa sjálfum sér, hluthöfum sínum og sparifjáreigendum, auk þess að kosta daglegan rekstur. By lending at a higher rate of interest than borrowed, they make money for themselves, their shareholders, and their depositors, as well as cover their expense of operation. |
Störf framkvæmdastjórnarinnar felast aðallega í því að semja frumvörp og setja nýja löggjöf, fylgja settri stefnu í einstökum málaflokkum, að sjá til þess að markmiðum stofnsamninganna sé framfylgt og sjá um rekstur ESB. In addition, the Act clarifies existing legislation and simplifies the definition of direct discrimination, extends the definitions of indirect discrimination and harassment, regulates pay secrecy clauses in employment contracts and the use of health questionnaires by employers. |
Varnaðarorð: Anaðu ekki út í eigin rekstur fyrr en þú hefur reiknað allan kostnað og athugað hvað verkið felur í sér. A word of caution: Don’t rush into an enterprise before studying all the costs and factors involved. |
Nú erum viđ komin í fullan rekstur, hr. Maruthi. So now that we are fully operational, Mr. Maruthi, it is clear that, with a small injection of funds for the phase two development, |
Á meðan, haldið áfram hann rekstur undressing, og um síðir sýndi brjósti hans og vopn. Meanwhile, he continued the business of undressing, and at last showed his chest and arms. |
Veðlánabúðir dafna þar sem annar rekstur lagði upp laupana. Where other businesses have failed, pawnshops are doing a flourishing business. |
En rekstur útvarpsstöðvarinnar hafði þau áhrif, að forysta Sjálfstæðisflokksins snerist til fylgis við frjálst útvarp eftir nokkurt hik árin á undan. He determined that the only way to save the stations was to execute a marked broadcasting departure from the past with a focus on nationally syndicated programming. |
Rekstur verslunarinnar gekk vel og Thor varð á stuttum tíma einn ríkasti maður á Íslandi. The company did well and Thor was soon the richest person in Iceland. |
" Sú almenningseign sem aflar ekki nægra tekna til ađ borga fyrir eigin rekstur má endurskipuleggja til ađ nota í annađ. " " Any municipal property that can't generate enough money to cover its operating budget can be rezoned for other uses. " |
Rekstur lottóa Conducting lotteries for others |
□ Hvernig getur hlýðni við orð Guðs eflt tengsl þeirra sem stunda viðskipti eða rekstur saman? □ How does obeying God’s Word enhance business relationships? |
Smith-fjölskyldan bjó á annarri hæð verslunarinnar og að hluta til á fyrstu hæðinni, sem ekki var nýtt undir rekstur. The Smith family lived on the second floor of the store and part of the first floor that was not used for business. |
Framkvæmdastjórnin skipar framkvæmdastjórann sem sér um stjórnun og rekstur stofnunarinnar. Stjórnin fylgist með að stofnunin ræki hlutverk sitt og verkefni í samræmi við Stofnskrána. The Management Board, as well as appointing the Director and holding her accountable for the leadership and management of the Centre, also ensures that the Centre carries out its mission and tasks in line with the founding regulation. |
Fjármálaeftirlitið tók yfir rekstur Kaupþings 9. október. The Bills completed the transaction on October 9. |
Kristinn maður, sem færi út í rekstur með manni utan trúarinnar, hvort heldur ættingja eða öðrum, gæti lent í óvæntum vandamálum og freistingum. A Christian who went into a business with an unbeliever, whether a relative or not, might well encounter unexpected problems and temptations. |
Að auki þótt New Bedford hefur að undanförnu verið smám saman monopolizing rekstur hvalveiðar, og þó í þessu máli fátæku gamla Nantucket er nú mun bak við hana, en Besides though New Bedford has of late been gradually monopolising the business of whaling, and though in this matter poor old Nantucket is now much behind her, yet |
2008 - Bankahrunið: Alþingi samþykkti neyðarlög um auknar valdheimildir Fjármálaeftirlitsins til að hlutast til um rekstur fjármálafyrirtækja. On 31 October, the Verkhovna Rada refused to include a provision on funding snap parliamentary elections into a bill on immediate anti-financial crisis measures. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.