What does samheiti in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word samheiti in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use samheiti in Icelandic.

The word samheiti in Icelandic means synonym, synonymous, equivalent terms, synonym. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word samheiti


noun (word with same meaning as another)

Borgin náði þá aðeins yfir hæð sem nefndist Síon og þetta nafn varð með tímanum samheiti Jerúsalemborgar sjálfrar.
The city then occupied only a hill called Zion, but that name became synonymous with Jerusalem itself.



Nafn ūitt verđur samheiti viđ kaldhæđnislega tækifærisstefnu.
Your name's gonna be synonymous with cynical opportunism.

equivalent terms



noun (word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language)

Nafn ūitt verđur samheiti viđ kaldhæđnislega tækifærisstefnu.
Your name's gonna be synonymous with cynical opportunism.

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Giardia lamblia (Giardia intestinalis og Giardia duodenalis eru samheiti) er sníkjudýr, sem myndar belgi, og kemur sér fyrir í görnum manna og dýra.
Giardia lamblia (Giardia intestinalis and Giardia duodenalis are synonyms) is a cyst-producing parasite, able to settle in the human and animal bowel.
Nefndu stefið út í gegnum ræðuna með því að endurtaka lykilorðin í stefinu eða nota samheiti.
Refer to the theme throughout your discourse by repeating the key words of the theme or by using synonyms.
Samheiti/VANTAR-raðað eftir fjölda
Synonyms/Hypernyms-Ordered by Frequency
Samheiti-raðað eftir líkindum (einungis sagnir
Synonyms-Ordered by Similarity of Meaning (verbs only
Í öðru lagi er ‚blökkumaður‘ skilið sem samheiti yfir ‚hina kúguðu íbúa Suður-Afríku.‘“
Secondly, ‘blackness’ is taken to be synonymous with ‘the oppressed people in South Africa.’”
Guð og föðurlandið urðu samheiti. . . .
God and country became synonymous. . . .
Ló er samheiti yfir sjáanlegar agnir af textíltrefjum og öðrum efnum sem vanalega finnast á eða kringum fatnað.
Lint is the common name for visible accumulations of textile fibers and other materials, usually found on and around clothing.
Til eru orðabækur sem gefa upp samheiti (orð sömu eða líkrar merkingar) og andheiti (orð gagnstæðrar merkingar).
Some dictionaries list under each word both its synonyms (words of similar, though not identical, meaning) and its antonyms (words of somewhat opposite meaning).
NoSQL er samheiti yfir margvíslegar tegundir gagnagrunna sem eru frábrugðnir hefðbundnum vensluðum SQL-gagnagrunnum.
The Toolbox encompasses most of the basic functionality which distinguished the Classic Mac OS.
Þegar um hóp er að ræða velja sumir mælendur að nota samheiti eða endurtaka hugmyndina.
When talking to a group, some speakers prefer to achieve their objective by using synonyms or by restating the idea.
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Aðhvarfsgreining er samheiti yfir tölfræðiaðferðir sem notaðar eru til þess að byggja líkön af sambandi einnar eða fleiri svarbreyta við eina eða fleiri frumbreytur og meta marktekt þess.
Models typically apply a computation to a series of inputs to generate an economic forecast for one or more variables.
Salsa er ekki ein tónlistarstefna heldur frekar samheiti yfir margar tónlistarstefnur.
First, a shamanic ritual performance is, above all, a series of actions and not a series of musical sounds.
Hin náskylda fura: P. occidentalis sem vex á nágrannaeyjunni Hispaníólu, er flokkuð sem samheiti af sumum grasafræðingum.
The closely related Hispaniolan pine (P. occidentalis), native to the neighboring island of Hispaniola, is treated as synonymous by some botanists.
(Daníel 4:7; 5:7, 11) Á dögum Daníels spámanns var stjörnuspeki svo útbreidd í Kaldeu (Babýlon) að heitið Kaldear var nánast notað sem samheiti yfir stjörnuspekinga.
(Daniel 4:7; 5:7, 11) In the days of the prophet Daniel, astrology was so widespread in Chaldea (Babylonia) that using the term “Chaldeans” was practically the same as referring to astrologers.
Alþjóðlegt orð fyrir skuggamyndir er orðið silhouette en það er dregin af nafni fransks fjármálaráðherra sem hét Silhouette en árið 1759 í frönsku fjármálakreppunni í Sjö ára stríðinu setti hann svo miklar álögur á franskan almenning, sérstaklega eignafólk að nafn hans varð samheiti yfir allt sem var gert á ódýran hátt og var því tengt svona ódýrum útlínumyndum.
The word silhouette is derived from the name of Étienne de Silhouette, a French finance minister who, in 1759, was forced by France's credit crisis during the Seven Years' War to impose severe economic demands upon the French people, particularly the wealthy.
Í Postulasögunni 5:30 notar Pétur postuli gríska orðið xylon sem samheiti staurosʹ. Orðið merkir ‚tré‘ og gefur til kynna uppréttan bjálka eða tré án þverbjálka.
As recorded at Acts 5:30, the apostle Peter used the word xyʹlon, meaning “tree,” as a synonym for stau·rosʹ, denoting, not a two-beamed cross, but an ordinary piece of upright timber or tree.
Samíska er samheiti á þeim tungumálum sem töluð eru af sömum í Noregi, Svíþjóð, Finnlandi og Rússlandi.
The majority of the Sami now speak the majority languages of the countries they live in, i.e., Swedish, Russian, Finnish and Norwegian.
Nafn ūitt verđur samheiti viđ kaldhæđnislega tækifærisstefnu.
Your name's gonna be synonymous with cynical opportunism.
Stundum eru þó orðin „fall“ og „vörpun“ notuð sem samheiti.
For example, the words "settlement" and "concession" can often be confused.
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Á fjölmörgum tungumálum hefur nafn Quislings orðið að samheiti fyrir föðurlandssvikara.
There have been many failed attempts to connect Sumerian to other language families.
4 Efraím er þekktust norðurættkvíslanna tíu svo að Ísrael og Efraím eru nánast samheiti.
4 Ephraim, the most prominent of the ten northern tribes, has come to stand for the entire kingdom of Israel.
Hún bætir við að hugtökin „Páfagarður“ og „páfastóll“ séu „samheiti yfir rómversk-kaþólsku kirkjuna.“
She added that the terms “Vatican” and “the Holy See” are bothsynonyms for the Roman Catholic Church.”
Samheiti fyrir Karl í Siarl, Sjarel.
Synonymous names for Karl in Siarl, Sjarel.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of samheiti in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.