What does stjörnumerki in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word stjörnumerki in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use stjörnumerki in Icelandic.

The word stjörnumerki in Icelandic means constellation, asterisk, astrological sign, constellation. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word stjörnumerki


noun (formation of stars perceived as figure)

Ár hvert er sólin álitin ganga í gegnum tólf stjörnumerki sem eru nefnd dýrahringur.
Each year the sun is thought to pass 12 groups of stars called the constellations of the zodiac.


noun (symbol used to highlight words or sentences)

astrological sign



noun (stars looking like a picture when watched together)

(Jobsbók 38:31) Þarna eru nefnd tvö stjörnumerki en þau eru hópar fastastjarna sem virðast mynda sérstaka samstæðu eða mynd.
(Job 38:31) A constellation is a number of stars that appear to form a distinctive pattern.

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Þessi listi yfir stjörnumerki inniheldur öll 88 stjörnumerki sem Alþjóðasamband stjarnfræðinga (ASS) viðurkennir.
The entire route is designated as a Blue Star Memorial Highway to recognize those in the United States armed forces.
Viltu vita stjörnumerki mitt
You want to do my horoscope?
Hefurðu einhvern tíma virt fjársjóði himingeimsins fyrir þér, svo sem hið velþekkta stjörnumerki Óríon?
Have you had a good look recently at the celestial treasures to be found in well-known constellations, such as Orion?
Ár hvert er sólin álitin ganga í gegnum tólf stjörnumerki sem eru nefnd dýrahringur.
Each year the sun is thought to pass 12 groups of stars called the constellations of the zodiac.
Sumir telja hjónaband ekki koma til greina nema stjörnumerki hlutaðeigandi eigi saman.
Some individuals even refuse to date if they do not have compatible “signs.”
Þótt stjörnurnar í ákveðnu stjörnumerki virðist nálægar hver annarri getur fjarlægðin milli þeirra numið hundruðum ljósára!
So while appearing to be close to one another, the stars in a constellation may be hundreds of light-years away from one another!
Við höfum happastjörnustef til að spila á stjörnumerki fólks.
With Lucky Stars we play on people’s astrological signs.
Stjörnuspekin skiptir fólki í 12 flokka, eða stjörnumerki dýrahringsins, eftir fæðingardegi þess.
Astrology classifies people under one of 12 categories, or zodiac signs, according to their date of birth.
Hrúturinn er stjörnumerki.
Its symbol is the star.
Stjörnumerki og stjörnuspeki
Zodiac Signs And Astrology
Myndhöggvaraþokan (NGC 253) í samnefndu stjörnumerki er ein bjartasta vetrarbraut himins.
The Sculptor Galaxy (NGC 253) lies in the constellation of the same name and is one of the brightest galaxies in the sky.
Kjalarþokan er í um 7.500 ljósára fjarlægð í samnefndu stjörnumerki (Kilinum) á suðurhveli.
The Carina Nebula is located about 7500 light-years away in the constellation of the same name (Carina; the Keel).
Í hvaða Stjörnumerki var hann?
What's his sign?
Stjörnumerkið er sagt með stjörnufræði vera ímyndað belti, svæði eða hring himinsins, skipt í tólf stjörnumerki eða merki.
The zodiac is said by astronomy to be an imaginary belt, zone, or circle of the heavens, divided into twelve constellations or signs.
Herkúlesarþyrpingin (einnig þekkt sem Abell 2151) er í um 500 milljóna ljósára fjarlægð frá jörðinni í samnefndu stjörnumerki.
The Hercules galaxy cluster (also known as Abell 2151) lies about 500 million light-years away in the constellation of Hercules.
Hver verður þessi úthlutun fyrir þig: Tarot stjörnuspákort 30 september - 6 október fyrir öll Stjörnumerki
What will this allotment be for you: Tarot horoscope 30 of September - 6 of October for all zodiac signs
Spinning er ekki eina leiðin til að fá mynt í stjörnumerki!
Spinning isn’t the only way to get Coins in Stars Slots!
Þú completest, O illustrious dýrlingur, ljómandi stjörnumerki lækna í himnum heilögum kirkjunnar.
Thou completest, O illustrious Saint, the brilliant constellation of Doctors in the heavens of holy Church.
Og geta lifað hamingjusömu lífi meðan að horfa á Pisces stjörnumerki.
And can live a happy life while looking at the Pisces constellation.
Michael Gauquelin: „Þeir fluttu jarðneskan sporðdreka upp í himininn, og hann átti síðan að hafa áhrif á þá sem fæddir voru undir því stjörnumerki.
Michel Gauquelin explains: “They projected the earthly scorpion into the sky, and that, in its turn, was supposed to have an influence on those born under that constellation.
Tarot stjörnuspá fyrir vikuna 23-29 september fyrir öll Stjörnumerki
Tarot horoscope for the week 23-29 September for all zodiac signs
Stjörnuspá fyrir hvert stjörnumerki sem er er byggt á fæðingarárinu má finna í töflunni hér að neðan:
The horoscopes for each of the Chinese astrological signs are based on the birth years in this table.
Við bjóðum upp á ókeypis daglegt stjörnuspákort og stjörnuspeki fyrir alla Stjörnumerki.
We provide free daily horoscope and astrology for all zodiac signs.
Stjörnur og stjörnumerki eru nær en þú heldur.
Stars and constellations are closer than you think.
Best daglegt stjörnuspákort app fyrir 2019 stjörnuspákort og stjörnuspeki fyrir alla Stjörnumerki
Best daily horoscope app for 2019 horoscope and astrology for all zodiac signs

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of stjörnumerki in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.