What does vera in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word vera in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use vera in Icelandic.
The word vera in Icelandic means be, being, stay. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word vera
beverb (used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominal) Hann hlýtur að vera mjög reiður að segja svona lagað. He must be very angry to say such a thing. |
beingnoun (a living creature) Hann hlýtur að vera mjög reiður að segja svona lagað. He must be very angry to say such a thing. |
stayverb (To remain in a particular place) Hún bað hann um að vera eftir en hann vildi það ekki. She asked him to stay, but he didn't want to. |
See more examples
Hann brást í því sem mikilvægast var – að vera Guði trúr. In the most important area of life —faithfulness to God— Solomon failed. |
Ūetta hlũtur ađ vera dķttir ūín. This little darling must be your daughter. |
Það var verra að vera þar en í fangelsi, því að eyjarnar voru svo litlar og matur ekki nægur.“ It was worse than being in jail because the islands were so small and there was not enough food.” |
Hvernig getur 1. Korintubréf 15:33 hjálpað okkur að vera dyggðug? How can the application of 1 Corinthians 15:33 help us to pursue virtue today? |
„Það er meiri hætta á að þær veki áhuga eldri pilta sem eru líklegir til vera byrjaðir að stunda kynlíf,“ segir í bókinni A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years. “They’re also at risk of attracting the attention of older boys who are more apt to be sexually experienced,” says the book A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years. |
Ef við fylgjum þessari meginreglu gerum við sannleikann ekki flóknari en hann þarf að vera. If we follow this guideline, we will not make the truth more complicated than it needs to be. |
Það ættu að vera ósjálfráð viðbrögð. Doing so should be an automatic reaction. |
Hann er búinn ađ vera bilađur árum saman. It's been broken for years. |
Margir þeirra álíta einnig að þjáningin muni alltaf vera hluti mannlífsins. And many of them feel that suffering will always be a part of human existence. |
Ekki vera alltaf svona kátur. Don't be so happy all the time. |
að vera ætíð miskunnsöm. May we show mercy ev’ry day. |
Og hún læst vera farin að sofa einsog altaf þegar hún er komin uppí, en hún var ekki farin að sofa. And she was pretending to be asleep, as she always did as soon as she was in bed, but she was not asleep. |
Láttu hana vera. Leave it. |
Hún hlũtur ađ vera inni! Oh, come on, she must be in there, yeah? |
6 Til að tjá fólki fagnaðarerindið munnlega verðum við að vera tilbúin til að rökræða við það, ekki aðeins tala með kreddukenndum hætti. 6 To communicate verbally with people about the good news, we must be prepared, not to speak dogmatically, but to reason with them. |
Og með því að enginn tvö snjókorn fara líklega nákvæmlega sömu leiðina til jarðar ætti hvert og eitt þeirra að vera einstætt. And since no two flakes are likely to follow the same path to earth, each one should indeed be unique. |
Hvađ ūykist ūú vera ađ gera međ ūessa tinstjörnu, drengur? Now what the hell do you think you're doing with that tin star, boy? |
En langar ūig ađ vera í ruđningi? But do you even wanna play football? |
Öldungur, sem stendur frammi fyrir slíku, kann að vera í vafa um hvað gera skuli. An elder faced with such things may be unsure as to what to do. |
7 Jehóva hefur yndi af því að vera til og hann hefur líka yndi af því að veita sumum af sköpunarverum sínum vitsmunalíf. 7 Jehovah enjoys his own life, and he also enjoys bestowing the privilege of intelligent life upon some of his creation. |
Einn vottur að þessum viðskiptum er sagður vera þjónn „Tattannú landstjóra handan fljóts“ – sá sami og Tatnaí sem nefndur er í Esrabók í Biblíunni. It identifies a witness to the transaction as a servant of “Tattannu, governor of Across-the-River” —the same Tattenai who appears in the Bible book of Ezra. |
Annars skaltu vera í símanum. Otherwise, stay on the phone with me. |
3 Augljóst er að Jesús var að segja postulunum að þeir yrðu teknir til himna til að vera með honum. 3 Clearly, Jesus was telling his apostles that they would be taken to heaven to be with him. |
Hann er brattur ađ mæta og ūykjast vera elskulegur stjúpfađir, eftir ūađ sem hann lætur ūig ūola. He's got nerve showing up playing the loving stepfather after all he put you through. |
(Matteus 5:37) Kristnum karli og konu ætti að vera alvara þegar þau trúlofast. (Matthew 5:37) Christians who get engaged should mean it. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.