What does 我生病了 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 我生病了 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 我生病了 in Chinese.

The word 我生病了 in Chinese means I'm sick. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word 我生病了

I'm sick

Phrase (I'm sick/ill)

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所以 不 確定 強奸 是不是 有 笑點
So I'm not sure how rape is funny.
各委员会一起分别在 # 年 # 月 # 日和 # 月 # 日听取钻石专家、塞拉利昂问题专家小组前成员伊恩·斯迈利先生和制裁争取安哥拉彻底独立全国联盟(安盟)监测机制主席胡安·拉腊因大使(希腊)的情况简报。
The committees together received briefings from Ian Smillie, diamond expert and former member of the Panel of Experts on Sierra Leone, and from Ambassador Juan Larrain (Chile), Chairman of the Monitoring Mechanism on Sanctions against the União Nacíonal para a Independência Total de Angola (UNITA), on # ay and # une # respectively
The Government of Sri Lanka reaffirmed its zero-tolerance policy for the recruitment and use of children and reiterated its commitment to the Working Group by establishing a committee comprising high-level Government officials to conduct an independent and credible investigation into allegations that some security forces are abetting the Karuna faction in the recruitment and use of children
不 太 有把握 字 拼得 对 不 对
I wasn't too sure about the spelling in them.
She noted, however, that in her suggested scenario for the assessment of alternatives, which would include fibres, the results would also cover chrysotile.
Poster sessions and working groups provided an opportunity to focus on specific problems and projects in preparation for the International Heliophysical Year 2007 and basic space science.
Finally, I should like to express my country's appreciation to the Secretary-General for both the quality and the scope of the reports under this agenda item, which are powerful tools facilitating international cooperation and coordination
作為 這艘 船 的 船長 , 扛 著責備 。
As captain of this ship, I shoulder the blame.
It provides a clean slate on which to re-write how we approach the needs of societies coming out of conflict
除了声明稍后将说明的保留外,我们将能够在 # 年期间完成审判分庭的诉讼工作。
This will enable us- with the reservations I will present later to complete the Trial Chamber proceedings in
半年审查会议将有以下目的:(a) 审查在实现《框架》目标和承诺方面取得的进展以及建设和平委员会在几内亚比绍的参与的整体情况;(b) 使国际社会集中关注需要采取进一步行动的建设和平差距;(c) 评估几内亚比绍政府、建设和平委员会以及其他相关的利益攸关者是否履行根据本框架所作的各项承诺;(d) 总结经验教训和确定最佳做法;以及(e) 酌情更新本《框架》和确认正在出现的对于建设和平而言至关重要的问题。
The semi-annual review meetings will have the following objectives: (a) to review progress in achieving the objectives and commitments of the Framework and the overall engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission with Guinea-Bissau; (b) to focus the attention of the international community on key peacebuilding gaps requiring additional action; (c) to assess whether the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Peacebuilding Commission and all other relevant stakeholders are honouring their commitments under the present Framework; (d) to draw lessons and establish good practices; and (e) to update the present Framework and identify emerging issues that are critical for peacebuilding, as appropriate
在 # 年通过《全球反恐战略》时,叙利亚加入协商一致意见,尽管我国代表团和许多其他各方在讨论期间提出批评意见。
When the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy was adopted in # yria joined the consensus, despite the critical comments made by my delegation and many others during the discussions
I wish to reiterate that India remains strongly committed to disarmament and non-proliferation
已向委员会散发下列文件:“提高妇女地位国家行动计划”、“ # 年人力资源发展指标手册”、“对妇女的暴力行为”、“ # 年缅甸妇幼福利协会”、“ # 年社会福利、救济及重新安置部”、“缅甸的艾滋病毒/艾滋病/标准预防方案”、“缅甸女性企业家协会”、“缅甸妇女地位”和“缅甸全国防治艾滋病方案”。
The following documents had been distributed to the Committee: “National Action Plan for the Advancement of Women”; “Handbook on Human Resources Development Indicators # ”; “Violence against Women”; “Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association # ”; “Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement # ”; “HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention Programme in Myanmar”; “Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association”; “Status of Women in Myanmar”; and “National AIDS Programme in Myanmar”
欧洲人权法院于 # 年 # 月 # 日通过的İçyer裁定承认上述法律为寻求这类损害赔偿者提供有效的国内补救。
The İçyer decision adopted by the European Court of Human Rights on # anuary # recognized that the said Law constitutes an effective remedy at domestic level for persons seeking compensation from such damages
2004年财政期间一般人事费的中期执行情况表明,2004年期间花费1 013 102美元,使该预算项目透支81 002美元。
The interim performance of common staff costs for the financial period 2004 shows that an amount of US $1,013,102 was spent during 2004, leading to an overexpenditure of US$ 81,002 in this budget line.
們 奉獻 出 們 的 自由 們 的 回憶 以及 們 的 意志
We offer our Lord... our liberty, our memory, and our will
Since my last briefing to the Council (see S/PV.6502), the Committee was notified of three additional cases of alleged violations of the provisions of paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), which imposes a ban on the export to and procurement by Iran of arms and related materiel.
在 # 年开始履行国家职责时,政府所继承的是一种中央计划经济体制。 该体制导致严重的经济衰退。
When the Government took over State duties in # it inherited a centrally planned economic system that resulted in an alarming economic decline
It was the result of consensus, inclusiveness and openness and is an expression of the global partnership that is highlighted in MDG 8.
没人能 碰
Nobody touches my leg.
该 怎么 说 呢
should i even ask?
A number of factors may have contributed to this
The LCA considered this item at its 2nd meeting, on 4 April.
皇上 把莉吉賜給 照顧
The emperor assigned Lygia to my care.

Let's learn Chinese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 我生病了 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.

Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.