英语 中的 apple 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 apple 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 apple 的说明。

英语 中的apple 表示苹果 pín guǒ, 苹果做的,含苹果成分的, 苹果树 píng guǒ shù, 喉结 hóu jié, 苹果苏打水 píng guǒ sū dǎ shuǐ, 苹果核, 苹果酥, 烤苹果奶酥, (以苹果为馅的)苹果布丁 yǐ píng guǒ wéi xiàn de píng guǒ bù dīng, 苹果汁 pín guǒ zhī, 某人的掌上明珠, 摘苹果, 苹果派 píng guǒ pài, 传统美国价值观的, 苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng, 苹果饼 píng guǒ bǐng, 苹果树 píng guǒ shù, 苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng, 纽约市 niǔ yuē shì, 咬苹果, 焦糖苹果, 苹果汁 pín guǒ zhī, 药西瓜, 药西瓜果实, 山楂子, 南美洲番荔枝 nán měi zhōu fān lì zhī, 青苹果 qīng píng guǒ, 菊芋, 栎瘿, 山梨。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 apple 的含义

苹果 pín guǒ

noun (fruit)

While many people prefer red apples, Joe likes green apples.


adjective (containing or made from apples)

I really love apple pie.

苹果树 píng guǒ shù

noun (fruit tree)

Among the fruit trees and bushes planted here are apple and blackcurrant.

喉结 hóu jié

noun (prominent part of man's throat)

A man's Adam's apple sticks out from his throat.

苹果苏打水 píng guǒ sū dǎ shuǐ

noun (US (non-alcoholic juice drink)

Every October we look forward to the fresh apple cider the orchard produces.


noun (centre of an apple)

Just don't eat the apple core; there are seeds in there.


noun (baked apple dessert)

I prefer apple crisp to apple pie because I really don't care for pastry crusts.


noun (UK (sweet baked pie)

We were served delicious apple crumble and custard. I like it when my mum makes apple crumble from the apples that we grow in the garden.

(以苹果为馅的)苹果布丁 yǐ píng guǒ wéi xiàn de píng guǒ bù dīng

noun (pastry dessert)

We are having spaghetti for dinner and apple dumpling for dessert.

苹果汁 pín guǒ zhī

noun (soft drink made from apples)

My daughter's favorite drink is apple juice.


noun (beloved person)

Jenny loved all her children, but her eldest child was the apple of her eye.


noun (harvesting of apples from orchard)

The county population doubles during apple picking season when the pickers come to town.

苹果派 píng guǒ pài

noun (pastry dessert)

They served apple pie with ice cream for dessert.


adjective (US, figurative (traditional American values)

苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng

noun (fruit purée)

Roast pork is traditionally served with apple sauce.

苹果饼 píng guǒ bǐng

noun (sweet pastry)

It takes less time to make an apple tart than to make an apple pie.

苹果树 píng guǒ shù

noun (tree bearing apples)

The story about George Washington cutting down the apple tree is a myth.

苹果酱 píng guǒ jiàng

noun (sweetened stewed apples)

Roast pork is traditionally served with applesauce.

纽约市 niǔ yuē shì

noun (nickname of New York City)


noun (Halloween game) (游戏)


noun (apple covered in syrup)

She loves getting candy apples at Halloween.

苹果汁 pín guǒ zhī

noun (US (non-alcoholic apple juice)

Hot cider is a popular drink in the autumn.


noun (plant: gourd family)


noun (fruit of colocynth plant)


noun (small, sharp-tasting wild apple)

My grandmother used to make delicious jelly from crab apples which grew on a tree in her garden.

南美洲番荔枝 nán měi zhōu fān lì zhī

noun (fruit: white flesh) (一种水果)

青苹果 qīng píng guǒ

noun (variety of apple with green skin)

A green apple is crisp and has a tart flavor.


noun (root vegetable) (学名)

Once you plant some Jerusalem artichokes in your garden, it's very hard to get rid of them!


noun (plant disease)


noun (type of fruit)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。