英语 中的 boat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 boat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 boat 的说明。

英语 中的boat 表示小船 xiǎo chuán, 乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng, 香蕉形的船, 运香蕉的船, 救生艇甲板, 赛船,赛艇比赛,划船比赛 sài chuán,huá chuán bǐ sài, 牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛, 脸 liǎn, 乘船, 赛舟会,赛艇会 sài zhōu huì,sài tǐng huì, 停船位, 乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng, 撑篙,钩杆, 运河船, 一种澳洲捕鱼船,现已变成休闲帆船, 别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le, 渡船 dù chuán, 渔船, 盛放调味肉汁的船形盘 chéng fàng tiáo wèi ròu zhī de chuán xíng pán, 处境相同, 错过机会,坐失良机 cuò guò jī huì, 鱼雷艇, 运河船, 脚踏船 jiǎo tà chuán, 游船,游艇 yóu chuán,yóu tǐng, 惹是生非, 划艇 huá tǐng, 帆船 fān chuán, 船状调味碟 chuán zhuàng tiáo wèi dié, 拖车 tuō chē, 拖船 tuō chuán, U型潜水艇, 你喜欢就好。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 boat 的含义

小船 xiǎo chuán

noun (vessel)

Jay likes to watch the boats on the lake.

乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng

intransitive verb (travel by boat)

Sam likes to boat off the cape during his summer vacations.


noun (banana-shaped inflatable)


noun (cargo ship carrying bananas)


noun (nautical)

赛船,赛艇比赛,划船比赛 sài chuán,huá chuán bǐ sài

noun (rowing competition)

The Ghent Student Regatta is a boat race for students.


noun (UK (Oxford-Cambridge competition)

Oxford won the Boat Race last year.

脸 liǎn

noun (UK, regional, slang (Cockney rhyming slang: face)

I've got a joke that will put a smile on your boat race.


noun (trip or outing in a water craft)

We went for a boat ride out to the island.

赛舟会,赛艇会 sài zhōu huì,sài tǐng huì

noun (exhibition of boats)

This year, the boat show will feature antique wooden vessels.


noun (nautical: ramp)

乘船旅行 chéng chuán lǚ xíng

noun (excursion on water)


noun (pole with a hook)


noun (vessel used on waterways)


noun (fishing boat: Australia)

别找麻烦了 bié zhǎo má fán le

interjection (figurative (do not cause trouble) (比喻)

The arrangements are already made, so don't rock the boat.

渡船 dù chuán

noun (passenger boat on a short route)

Ferry boats are the common mode of public transportation in Venice.


noun (vessel: for fishing)

盛放调味肉汁的船形盘 chéng fàng tiáo wèi ròu zhī de chuán xíng pán

noun (receptacle for pouring gravy)

In our house, we only use the gravy boat on very special occasions.


expression (figurative (in a similar situation)

错过机会,坐失良机 cuò guò jī huì

verbal expression (figurative (lose your chance for [sth])


noun (UK, initialism (Royal Navy: motor torpedo boat)


noun (UK (boat used on canals)

脚踏船 jiǎo tà chuán

noun (small boat with pedals)

游船,游艇 yóu chuán,yóu tǐng

noun (recreational vessel)


verbal expression (figurative (cause trouble)

划艇 huá tǐng

noun (wooden boat with oars)

帆船 fān chuán

noun (yacht, small vessel with a sail)

My dad took his new sailing boat out on the lake today for the first time. // From our window we watched sailboats in the harbor.

船状调味碟 chuán zhuàng tiáo wèi dié

noun (vessel for pouring sauce)

The maid placed a sauce boat on the dining table. A sauce boat is pretty but it never keeps the gravy as hot as a jug does.

拖车 tuō chē

noun (trailer for transporting a boat)

The car was towing a boat on a trailer.

拖船 tuō chuán

noun (small boat for pulling or pushing ships)

A tug was crossing the river.


noun (German submarine) (德国的潜水艇)


expression (slang, figurative (OK, whatever you'd like.) (俚语)

"I'd like to learn how to speak Japanese." "Whatever floats your boat."

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boat 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。