英语 中的 but 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 but 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 but 的说明。

英语 中的but 表示但,但是,可是 dàn,dàn shì,kě shì, 除去 chú qù, 除…以外 chú … yǐ wài, 而是, 仅仅 jǐn jǐn, 除了…以外 chú le yǐ wài, [用于no doubt等词后等于that], [用于加强语气], 异议 yì yì, 除…外全部 chú … wài quán bù, 几乎 jī hū, 几乎 jī hū, 决不 jué bù, 除了...之外的一切, 根本不是, 要不是因为, 但当然, 即使如此 jí shǐ rú cǐ, 但 dàn, 不得不 bù dé bù, 功亏一篑 gōng kuī yí kuì, 别无选择只能..., 最后别忘了, 不仅...也是, 只不过 zhǐ bù guò, 除了…就没有… chú le jiù méi yǒu, 缓慢稳步, 缓慢扎实地, 然而 rán ér, 好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér, 好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér, 举几个例子。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 but 的含义

但,但是,可是 dàn,dàn shì,kě shì

conjunction (yet) (表示转折)

I may be old, but I can still ride a bike.

除去 chú qù

conjunction (except)

He ate all the biscuits but one.

除…以外 chú … yǐ wài

preposition (except for)

Nobody did anything but me.


conjunction (on the contrary)

I asked not for a salad, but for soup. He's not a violinist but a cellist.

仅仅 jǐn jǐn

adverb (literary (only)

She is but a child.

除了…以外 chú le yǐ wài

conjunction (literary (otherwise than)

I cannot but agree with what you say.

[用于no doubt等词后等于that]

conjunction (formal (doubt that)

There is no doubt but that he is the best person on the team.


conjunction (used as intensifier)

There was nothing good on TV, but nothing!

异议 yì yì

noun (objection)

You're going to bed now, and I don't want to hear any buts!

除…外全部 chú … wài quán bù

preposition (everyone except)

All but one of her students passed the exam.

几乎 jī hū

adverb (with verb: almost completely)

You've all but polished off that cake.

几乎 jī hū

adverb (with adjective: nearly)

The rain is all but finished now.

决不 jué bù

adverb (not at all)

His new novel is anything but dull.


adverb (anything except)

I'll do anything but wash windows.


expression (nothing of the sort)

Though he's known for his comedies, his latest film is anything but.


adverb (were it not for)

We would never have won but for your help.


interjection (expressing polite consent)

But of course, you're right!

即使如此 jí shǐ rú cǐ

expression (even so)

但 dàn

conjunction (on the other hand)

不得不 bù dé bù

verbal expression (find unavoidable)

I cannot help but notice the enormous coffee stain on the front of your white blouse.

功亏一篑 gōng kuī yí kuì

expression (informal (nearly, but not quite)


verbal expression (not have alternative)

We have no choice but to think that you acted irresponsibly.


adverb (lastly)

Last but not least, don't forget to ring me when you get there. Last but not least, I'd like to thank my husband for his support.


expression (not just [sth], but [sth] else too)

Not only is Jack good at soccer, but he is also good at basketball and running.

只不过 zhǐ bù guò

adverb (only)

I have nothing but admiration for people who can speak several languages.

除了…就没有… chú le jiù méi yǒu

preposition (only, solely)

Nothing else but violin is needed to complete this orchestration.


adjective (progress: gradual but regular) (进展)


adverb (making gradual progress)

Slowly but surely, we are making the garden look pretty.

然而 rán ér

adverb (even so)

He hadn't eaten breakfast; still he was not hungry.

好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér

expression (informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)

That's all very well, but it still doesn't explain why you didn't finish the work.

好吧…但是,那也好…然而 hǎo ba dàn shì,nà yě hǎo rán ér

expression (informal (nevertheless, even so) (非正式用语)

That's all well and good, and I enjoy talking to your granny, but isn't it about time we left for the movies ?


expression (some of a long list)

What lakes are in Minnesota? To name but a few, Red Lake, Gull Lake, and Lake Minnetonka.

让我们学习 英语

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but 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。