英语 中的 head 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 head 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 head 的说明。

英语 中的head 表示头 tóu, 硬币正面朝上, 领袖,领导 lǐng xiù,lǐng dǎo, 主要的 zhǔ yào de, 领导 lǐng dǎo, 朝向 cháo xiàng, 前面的 qián miàn de, 最顶端的 zuì dǐng duān de, 顶头而来的,顶头风的,从正面来的 dǐng tóu ér lái de,dǐng tóu fēng de,cóng zhèng miàn lái de, 头脑, 理解力,思维能力 tóu nǎo,sī wéi néng lì, 脑子,智力,智能 nǎo zi,zhì lì,zhì néng, 才智,才能 cái zhì,cái néng, 冷静,沉着 lěng jìng,chén zhuó, 每人 měi rén, 领头地位 lǐng tóu dì wèi, 总裁,头儿 zǒng cái,tóu er, 顶端 dǐng duān, 首席 shǒu xí, 水压 shuǐ yā, 脓头 nóng tóu, 鼓头 gǔ tóu, 箭头 jiàn tóu, 磁头 cí tóu, 标题 biāo tí, (纸张的)顶部 zhǐ zhāng de dǐng bù, 头 tóu, 船头厕所,厕所 chuán tóu cè suǒ,cè suǒ, 汽缸盖 qì gāng gài, 头数 tóu shù, 啤酒泡沫 pí jiǔ pào mò, 叶球 yè qiú, 源头 yuán tóu, 轨头 guǐ tóu, 口交 kǒu jiāo, 船头 chuán tóu, 头部的 tóu bù de, [表示状态], 朝…前进 cháo qián jìn, 长头,长出叶球 zhǎng tóu,zhǎng chū yè qiú, 在…之前 zài … zhī qián, 胜过 shèng guò, 领导 lǐng dǎo, 赶, 用头顶, 给…起题目,给…下标题, 返回 fǎn huí, 走向 zǒu xiàng, 出发,动身 chū fā ,dòng shēn, 拦截 lán jié, 启程 qǐ chéng, 向…走去 xiàng … zǒu qù, 领导,领头,领队 lǐng dǎo,lǐng tóu ,lǐng duì, 副校长, 光头 guāng tóu, 自大 zì dà, 对..发火, 低下 dī xià, 逃避现实 táo bì xiàn shí, 弱智,笨蛋,蠢货 ruò zhì,bèn dàn,chǔn huò, 到紧急关头, 一击 yì jī, 冷静的头脑 lěng jìng de tóu nǎo, 小标题,子题 xiǎo biāo tí, 十字头, , 上梁,横梁 héng liáng, 汽缸盖 qì gāng gài, 反复灌输,填鸭式教授 fǎn fù guàn shū,tián yā shì jiào shòu, 低下头, 摔跟头, 如痴如狂地爱上 rú chī rú kuáng de ài shàng, 疯狂爱上, 与...疯狂相爱, 从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo, 搞不懂, 与...的上级沟通, 不懂 bù dǒng, 冲昏了…的头脑, 让…上头,使喝醉 shǐ hē zuì, 羞愧地低下头, 不感情用事的人 bù gǎn qíng yòng shì de rén, 有头脑 yǒu tóu nǎo, 异想天开 yì xiǎng tiān kāi, 把头埋进沙子里,逃避 bǎ tóu mái jìn shā zi lǐ,táo bì, 头脑清醒, 有头脑, 通达事理, 远远胜过 yuǎn yuǎn shèng guò, 主厨, 伤风 shāng fēng, 计数 jì shù, 总人数 zǒng rén shù, 头盔 tóu kuī, 起误导作用的事物 qǐ wù dǎo zuò yòng de shì wù, 心理战术 xīn lǐ zhàn shù, 头部损伤 tóu bù sǔn shāng, 头虱, 满头头发 mǎn tóu tóu fà, 一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ, 国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu, 总公司 zǒng gōng sī, 正面地 zhèng miàn de, 直接地,诚实地 zhí jiē de ,chéng shí de, 正面的,迎面的,迎头的 zhèng miàn de,yíng miàn de, 直接的 zhí jiē de, 爱得痴迷的,坠入爱河的,热恋中的,爱得神魂颠倒的 ài de chī mí de,zhuì rù ài hé de,rè liàn zhōng de,ài de shén hún diān dǎo de, 大头照 dà tóu zhào, 头转, 先跑, 优势 yōu shì, 径直奔向… jìng zhí bēn xiàng …, 驶向..., 针锋相对的 zhēn fēng xiāng duì de, 针锋相对地 zhēn fēng xiāng duì de, 领班 lǐng bān, 顶头风 dǐng tóu fēng, 迎面碰撞,正面撞上 yíng miàn pèng zhuàng,zhèng miàn zhuàng shàng, 以头部造成的撞击 yǐ tóu bù zào chéng de zhuàng jī, 用头撞, 头朝前地 tóu cháo qián de, 轻率地 qīng shuài de, 猎头 liè tóu, 物色, 猎头 liè tóu, 猎头 liè tóu, 猎首, 猎头, 校长 xiào zhǎng, 正确无比 zhèng què wú bǐ, 性急暴躁的人,易怒的人 xìng jí bào zào de rén,yì nù de rén, 水头, 无法脱身 wú fǎ tuō shēn, 力不从心 lì bù cóng xīn, 保证冷静, 勉强维持, 大笑不止, 惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò, 把…搞清楚, 使人晕眩,让人头晕, 傻瓜 shǎ guā, 钉头, 钉头装饰,钉头饰, 不假思索地 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de, 让...无法理解, 在头上的轻轻一拍, 轻轻地拍…的头, 每人 měi rén, 傻瓜,笨蛋,蠢材 shǎ guā,bèn dàn,chǔn cái。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 head 的含义

头 tóu

noun (anatomy: skull)

The neck connects the head to the body.


noun (tossed coin: head side up)

"Heads or tails?" she asked, flipping the coin.

领袖,领导 lǐng xiù,lǐng dǎo

noun (leader, director)

He is the head of the library association.

主要的 zhǔ yào de

adjective (principal)

The head physician is Dr. Thomas.

领导 lǐng dǎo

transitive verb (lead)

The ex-congressman headed the investigation.

朝向 cháo xiàng

intransitive verb (face, go: in a given direction)

If we head south, we should get home eventually.

前面的 qián miàn de

adjective (at the front, leading)

The head runner was starting to slow down.

最顶端的 zuì dǐng duān de

adjective (at the top, first)

The head item on the agenda was going to be difficult to resolve.

顶头而来的,顶头风的,从正面来的 dǐng tóu ér lái de,dǐng tóu fēng de,cóng zhèng miàn lái de

adjective (maritime: from in front of) (航海术语)

The strong head winds slowed the sailing vessel.

头脑, 理解力,思维能力 tóu nǎo,sī wéi néng lì

noun (figurative (thought, intellect) (比喻)

He has a good head for science.

脑子,智力,智能 nǎo zi,zhì lì,zhì néng

noun (figurative (intelligence) (比喻)

Use your head! You can find a creative way to get it done.

才智,才能 cái zhì,cái néng

noun (figurative (ability) (比喻)

I just don't have the right head for management.

冷静,沉着 lěng jìng,chén zhuó

noun (figurative (composure) (比喻)

Though he was mad, he kept his head about him in public.

每人 měi rén

noun (person)

They charge five dollars a head to get into the dance club.

领头地位 lǐng tóu dì wèi

noun (top: in achievement, ability)

He was at the head of his class at Harvard.

总裁,头儿 zǒng cái,tóu er

noun (chief, president) (公司)

That man is the head of the company.

顶端 dǐng duān

noun (extremity)

The head of the bone slots into the socket.

首席 shǒu xí

noun (front position)

Since it was his birthday, he sat at the head of the table.

水压 shuǐ yā

noun (fluid pressure)

As the locomotive went faster and faster, it built up quite a head of steam.

脓头 nóng tóu

noun (part likely to burst)

He burst the pimple by poking its head with a needle.

鼓头 gǔ tóu

noun (drum)

A conga drum is tuned by adjusting the tension of its head.

箭头 jiàn tóu

noun (arrow)

The shaft of the arrow was made of ash, and its head was made of metal.

磁头 cí tóu

noun (recording device) (录音)

The sound from the cassette player was dull because the head was dirty.

标题 biāo tí

noun (headline)

The front page of the newspaper had a massive head when war broke out.

(纸张的)顶部 zhǐ zhāng de dǐng bù

noun (page)

We usually put the article's title at the head of the page.

头 tóu

noun (tool) (锤子等工具)

The head of the hammer is made of strengthened metal so it doesn't malform.

船头厕所,厕所 chuán tóu cè suǒ,cè suǒ

noun (maritime: toilet) (航海)

He's gone to the head to pee.

汽缸盖 qì gāng gài

noun (cylinder)

The cylinder head is an essential part of an internal combustion engine.

头数 tóu shù

noun (herd animal) (羊、牛等牲口)

The farmer sold his cattle for fifty dollars per head.

啤酒泡沫 pí jiǔ pào mò

noun (beer, other foam)

The waiter poured the beer so that it would have a lot of head on top.

叶球 yè qiú

noun (compact plant part) (植物的)

This new lettuce has a tight head.

源头 yuán tóu

noun (river source) (河流)

The head of this river is a small stream in the Rocky Mountains.

轨头 guǐ tóu

noun (railhead) (铁轨)

The engineers fixed the head so that the wheels of the train could run smoothly along it.

口交 kǒu jiāo

noun (slang (fellatio)

Ana enjoys giving her boyfriend head.

船头 chuán tóu

noun (bow of a ship)

The sailors used a rope at the head of the ship to fasten it to the wharf.

头部的 tóu bù de

noun as adjective (of or affecting the head)

The doctors kept him in hospital for observation after his head injury.


suffix (noun: state of being) (后缀)

For example: godhead

朝…前进 cháo qián jìn

intransitive verb (go in a direction)

We are going to head to Arizona next on our trip.

长头,长出叶球 zhǎng tóu,zhǎng chū yè qiú

intransitive verb (form a head) (植物)

This lettuce heads early.

在…之前 zài … zhī qián

transitive verb (precede)

The candidate for prime minister headed the list of candidates.

胜过 shèng guò

transitive verb (excel)

He heads his class in language studies.

领导 lǐng dǎo

transitive verb (be the chief of)

That man heads the fire service for the whole country.

transitive verb (turn aside) (牲畜等)

The sheepdog headed the sheep away from the river.


transitive verb (sports: hit with one's head) (体育运动)

The football player headed the ball into the net.


transitive verb (put as a title)

The journalist headed the article "Ways to Avoid Being Overworked."

返回 fǎn huí

phrasal verb, intransitive (start to go back, return)

It's getting late; let's head back.

走向 zǒu xiàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go towards, go to)

To find the party, head for the noise!

出发,动身 chū fā ,dòng shēn

phrasal verb, intransitive (set out, go)

We need to head off at 8 o'clock in order to arrive at the party on time.

拦截 lán jié

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (redirect by blocking path)

He tried to head off the charging bull by closing the gate.

启程 qǐ chéng

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave, start a journey)

Henry was getting impatient to head out on his own.

向…走去 xiàng … zǒu qù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go in direction of)

We last saw them heading toward Los Angeles.

领导,领头,领队 lǐng dǎo,lǐng tóu ,lǐng duì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (lead)

Rick was chosen to head up the band, perhaps because he played the drums so well.


noun (deputy to head teacher)

光头 guāng tóu

noun (head with no hair)

He quickly put on a hat to keep the hailstones from bouncing on his bald head.

自大 zì dà

noun (conceited or arrogant attitude)

All those accolades that Paul has been getting are giving him a big head.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (respond angrily, impatiently)

低下 dī xià

transitive verb (lower: your head) (头)

The parishioners bowed their heads in prayer.

逃避现实 táo bì xiàn shí

verbal expression (figurative (ignore stressful situation)

弱智,笨蛋,蠢货 ruò zhì,bèn dàn,chǔn huò

noun (US, pejorative, vulgar, slang (stupid person)

Get out of the way, butthead!


verbal expression (become a crisis)

一击 yì jī

noun (informal (blow to the head) (头部)

冷静的头脑 lěng jìng de tóu nǎo

noun (slang, figurative (composure, calm)

After the accident, and even though she had been injured, she had a cool head.

小标题,子题 xiǎo biāo tí

noun (printing: title, heading) (印刷)


noun (machinery: part of an engine) (机械)

noun (nautical: part of a rudderpost) (航海)

上梁,横梁 héng liáng

noun (building: transverse timber) (建筑)

汽缸盖 qì gāng gài


反复灌输,填鸭式教授 fǎn fù guàn shū,tián yā shì jiào shòu

verbal expression (instill by repetition) (教学)

Our father, a clever but uneducated man, always drummed into our heads the importance of a good education.


verbal expression (lower your head)

I ducked my head to avoid hitting it on the lintel.


verbal expression (tumble)

Alex fell head over heels down the mountainside.

如痴如狂地爱上 rú chī rú kuáng de ài shàng

verbal expression (figurative (fall in love)

After knowing him for just two weeks I'd fallen head over heels.


verbal expression (figurative (fall in love)


verbal expression (figurative (fall in love)

从头到脚 cóng tóu dào jiǎo

expression (all over your body)

It was raining so hard that I was soon drenched from head to foot.


verbal expression (informal (understand)

I'm trying to get my head around the subjunctive, but I'm still not sure when to use it.


verbal expression (consult with [sb] of higher rank)

不懂 bù dǒng

verbal expression (figurative (not be understood)

Martin's explanation was too complicated; it went over my head.


verbal expression (figurative, slang (make egotistical)

His one hit record went to his head, and now he is impossible to live with.

让…上头,使喝醉 shǐ hē zuì

verbal expression (make drunk) (酒)

That glass of wine has gone straight to my head!


verbal expression (in shame)

The defendant hung his head as the judge pronounced his sentence.

不感情用事的人 bù gǎn qíng yòng shì de rén

noun (figurative (unsentimental person) (比喻)

He has a hard head on him for someone so young.

有头脑 yǒu tóu nǎo

verbal expression (figurative (be sensible)

I don't mind him dating my daughter. That boy has a good head on his shoulders.

异想天开 yì xiǎng tiān kāi

verbal expression (figurative (be a dreamer)

That boy is smart, but he will never amount to much because he has his head in the clouds.

把头埋进沙子里,逃避 bǎ tóu mái jìn shā zi lǐ,táo bì

verbal expression (figurative (ignore reality, be in denial) (比喻)

头脑清醒, 有头脑, 通达事理

verbal expression (informal, figurative (be sensible, practical)

It is best to have your head screwed on when dealing with money. I'm confident he'll make a wise decision; he's got his head screwed on right.

远远胜过 yuǎn yuǎn shèng guò

verbal expression (figurative (be vastly superior to)

George's essay was head and shoulders above those of the rest of the class.


noun (professional cook who runs a kitchen)

The head chef makes an excellent caesar salad.

伤风 shāng fēng

noun (viral infection)

计数 jì shù

noun (tally)

The teacher did a quick head count before dividing the class into two groups.

总人数 zǒng rén shù

noun (number of people)

头盔 tóu kuī

noun (scarf, etc., on the head)

You must wear head covering to visit this church.

起误导作用的事物 qǐ wù dǎo zuò yòng de shì wù

noun (slang ([sth] misleading) (俚语,原指体育运动中的假动作)

心理战术 xīn lǐ zhàn shù

noun (US, slang (effort to confuse or delude [sb]) (俚语)

Jan was not invited; her head games disrupted the last meeting.

头部损伤 tóu bù sǔn shāng

noun (wound to the head)

A young lad was struck by a car and is now in intensive care with a serious head injury.


noun (usually plural (parasite on the scalp)

She treated her kids for head lice but it didn't work.

满头头发 mǎn tóu tóu fà

noun (hair: amount, thickness)

That beautiful girl has a gorgeous head of hair.

一家之主 yì jiā zhī zhǔ

noun ([sb] in charge of family)

Forget about Dad, my Mum is definitely the head of the household!

国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu

noun (national leader)

In a kingdom, the head of state is a king rather than a president.

总公司 zǒng gōng sī

noun (headquarters)

The head office of our company is now overseas because we got bought out.

正面地 zhèng miàn de

adverb (in collision)

The car veered across the road and hit a van head-on.

直接地,诚实地 zhí jiē de ,chéng shí de

adverb (figurative (directly, honestly)

Her novels tackle difficult social issues head-on.

正面的,迎面的,迎头的 zhèng miàn de,yíng miàn de

adjective (collision: direct, full-frontal) (撞击)

There were two fatalities in the head-on collision. Emma was lucky to survive the head-on crash of her small sports car into a bus.

直接的 zhí jiē de

adjective (figurative (direct, honest)

Rather than talking around the subject, let's take a head-on look at the issues.

爱得痴迷的,坠入爱河的,热恋中的,爱得神魂颠倒的 ài de chī mí de,zhuì rù ài hé de,rè liàn zhōng de,ài de shén hún diān dǎo de

expression (figurative (infatuated)

After Cara's first date with Matt, she was head over heels in love with him.

大头照 dà tóu zhào

noun (portrait photo: head only)


noun (turning round on head) (舞蹈动作)

The breakdancer did a head spin.


noun (race: starting ahead) (赛跑)

My little sister runs slowly, so I give her a head start.

优势 yōu shì

noun (figurative (advantage)

His parents' wealth gave him a head start in life.

径直奔向… jìng zhí bēn xiàng …

verbal expression (person: go directly)

Bianca grabbed her coat and headed straight for the exit.


verbal expression (vehicle: move towards)

When Colin looked up, he realized the truck was heading straight for him.

针锋相对的 zhēn fēng xiāng duì de

adjective (contest: between two people)

针锋相对地 zhēn fēng xiāng duì de

adverb (in direct opposition)

领班 lǐng bān

noun (highest-ranking food server)

Anthony is the head waiter at a restaurant.

顶头风 dǐng tóu fēng

noun (wind blowing head-on)

There was a strong head wind and so progress was slow.

迎面碰撞,正面撞上 yíng miàn pèng zhuàng,zhèng miàn zhuàng shàng

noun (full-frontal crash)

In the head-on collision with the lorry, the Mini came off worst.

以头部造成的撞击 yǐ tóu bù zào chéng de zhuàng jī

noun (violent blow made with the head)

With a swift headbutt, the goat knocked the little boy over.


transitive verb (hit with the forehead)

The wrestler violently headbutted his opponent.

头朝前地 tóu cháo qián de

adverb (with the head in front)

Max dove into the water headfirst.

轻率地 qīng shuài de

adverb (figurative (recklessly)

Sam has a tendency to jump into projects headfirst.

猎头 liè tóu

intransitive verb (figurative (find job candidate)


transitive verb (figurative (identify as a job candidate) (人才)

猎头 liè tóu

noun (figurative (recruiter) (为公司物色评估人才的人)

Tamara was recruited by a headhunter for her new job.

猎头 liè tóu

noun (figurative (recruiting of new employees)

猎首, 猎头

noun (anthropology) (人类学)

校长 xiào zhǎng

noun (UK (principal of a school)

The impudent boy was sent to explain himself to the headteacher.

正确无比 zhèng què wú bǐ

verbal expression (figurative (be exactly right)

Russell's comment really hit the nail on the head.

性急暴躁的人,易怒的人 xìng jí bào zào de rén,yì nù de rén

noun (figurative, slang ([sb] quick to anger) (俚语)

Some hotheads were causing trouble at the protest march.


noun (measure of water pressure)

无法脱身 wú fǎ tuō shēn

expression (figurative (overly involved with [sb])

力不从心 lì bù cóng xīn

expression (figurative (your problems are too hard for you) (问题)


verbal expression (figurative (stay calm)


verbal expression (figurative (be financially stable)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (laugh heartily)

惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò

verbal expression (figurative (become overexcited)

Don't lose your head in an emergency. Just stay calm.


verbal expression (understand [sth])


verbal expression (figurative (cause you to feel dizzy) (比喻)

You're coming up with new ideas so fast it's making my head spin! The flurry of events leading up to the wedding made the bride's head spin.

傻瓜 shǎ guā

noun (informal (male: idiot)


noun (flat top of a nail)


noun (ornament that looks like a nailhead)

不假思索地 bù jiǎ sī suǒ de

expression (figurative, informal (spontaneously, improvising)

Off the top of my head, I can't remember the name of that actor.


expression (figurative (beyond [sb]'s comprehension)


noun (gentle touch)

There is nothing the dog likes better than a pat on the head.


verbal expression (touch gently on head)

Rob patted his son on the head.

每人 měi rén

adverb (per person)

When we added up the bill it worked out at ten euro per head.

傻瓜,笨蛋,蠢材 shǎ guā,bèn dàn,chǔn cái

noun (figurative, pejorative, slang (stupid person) (比喻,俚语,轻蔑语)

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